Now y'all know he is nowhere near high enough on the relevancy chart for anybody outside of random corners of the internet to be concerned about.
He got a few dollars and a fanbase, of course he think he done won in life. Its not what he's missing out on today with this "dare to be different" act, it's what he's going to miss out on. Imagine what's going to happen when they show him that bag he could of had selling his catalogue because this weird propaganda he's fascinated with is all up and down his catalogue. Or when he finally drop something that catches mainstream fire but his manager can't get it placed in any commercials, arenas, movies, etc because of his association with his chosen art. Then come that stink that he can't get off of him and no major label artist can get him authorized as a feature.
I hate to see my brothers come so far to ultimately get in their own way. He emotional so when the missed opportunities happen, we'll see the tweets.