Yes, they were black people. White people didn't even exist until around 4000bc.
Scientist: All Blue-Eyed People Are Related | Fox News. Also refer to adam in the bible who was brought into existence around 4000bc. Lets break it down.
As it is laid out in the bible, white people were kicked out by god for causing trouble and was sent to hills and caves of Europe.
Gen 1:26 refers to the beginning of a people made in the image of god. Now keep in mind, there were people long before adam. Gen 4:8-17 talks about cain killing abel. In verse 17 it starts off by saying "And cain knew his wife". Who is this wife?
Genesis 3:20-24, Hebrews 11:37-38, Job 30:1-8 goes into detail about white people being kicked out. Revelations 20:3 talks about kicking the white people out of civilization for 2000 years until they were released from their exile to cause more trouble(rev 20:7-8). Around 2000bc the civilizations were being attacked. Egypt had the hyksos, India had the Aryans who would introduce the racist practice in hinduism known as the caste system(white dot or white skin means elite, black dot or black skin means untouchable). Also refer to the quran chapter 18 "The Cave" for more history on the cave people.
There is no such thing as "race". There are only original(non whites) or non-original people on the planet. Refer to gen 25:23 where it says:
"And the lord said to her:
Two nations are in your womb, Two peoples shall be separated from your body: One people shall be stronger than the other(not racist but scientifically proven, the black gene is dominant, white is recessive)And the older(Original or black people)shall serve the younger(white supremacy)".
With all this being said, I have shown that the so called white race of people have only existed a little over 6000 years. Meaning Egypt and the ancient civilizations were founded by the original people. The reason for the confusion is because white people don't know their origin and therefore try to blind in with anything related to the original people. The piltdown man(
Piltdown Man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)being another example of this.
King Tut's grandmother
Again. White person trying to blend in by the editing the pic.
The actual painting in seti's tomb. Notice somebody to trying to getting rid of the evidence.
The ORIGINAL Libiyans, Asiatics, Nubians, Egyptians, Greeks you name it were black people. Think about it, black people were all over the planet before whites. How can whites be the native or original of anything

. It's like asking someone who the original citizens of this land we call the USA. Most will probably say some white people but people always forget about the native Indians. Gotta love the education we be getting from kindergarten to 12th grade and beyond
My avatar is a picture of the black turkish and chinese people found in Anija's tomb from the 6th century.
Here's a full pic of it. If you blow it up you can see my avatar.,_Shaanxi_History_Museum.jpg
Again, those light skinned brothers and sisters in Asia today are NOT the ORIGINAL chinese
This is Menes, who is recorded as the 1st pharaoh of the 1st dynasty of egypt after unifying it.
Definitely not white.
Napoleon shot off the sphinx's nose and lips because he couldn't stand how black it was.
The evidence is too much. This post may offend the whites reading this but that was not my intention, I don't have time to waste making fun of another people nor do I desire too. Just speaking, or rather posting the truth!