The movie had her going to a White school, but still living in the hood. So she couldn't find one Black brother in that White school? That doesn't seem like real life. I didn't see not one male Black student in that entire school. And most sisters going to White schools and still living in the hood, ain't dating no White boy. Black girls who do date them that early usually live around Whites as well.
Another thing that sounded fake about this movie was, although her father was a former Black Panther and all, why would he be surprised and angry that his daughter started dating a White boy if she's the only Black kid in the entire school.
Another thing that didn't add up was, why did the boy grab the hair brush in the first place? It wasn't like he said, "look baby, I'm combing my hair", which would have sounded fake enough. Anyway, it appeared that the directors had to make the cop look half innocent. They couldn't even use a real life example like Laquan McDonald or Stephon Clark for this movie, because it would have showed just how guilty most of these cops really are.
Even at the end when they had to draw the gun on the little boy, they still made it look like the officers almost had no choice. It's like they practically used the shooting death of 12 year old Tamir Rice, to show an example of how a cop have no choice but to kill a little Black kid. The more I think about this movie, the more I realize it was full of it.