nikka, where's your fukking evidence?! Where are all these white athletes getting caught up in drug or murder charges? Shooting themselves in the ass in clubs? Multiple baby mamas? Choking their coaches? etc. The entire fukking nhl is white, you dont hear shyt about them outside of the sport.
Im tireda you mother fukkers justifying these degenerates by bringing up these mythical white fukk ups. Call me an Uncle Tom, you know what, I dont give a fukk
Well I provided evidence already. As for where are all the charges?
As a black man in America, the way things go down is very different than how things go down for white folks.
Once upon a time, myself and about 13 white people where at a house party
There was more ppl there, but this is in a single room.
Anywayz, I'm rolling up a blunt. The police walk into the room because some retard let them in
I drop the blunt, and it rolls backwards underneath the dresser I was standing by.. cops never see it nor look for it
What they do find is half of the bag still on the dresser.
Let me remind you there is 13ppl in the room. At this point, I wasn't even near the bag when they found it. This is what happens next
The cop points at me, and says "Ok, your the closes to the bag so I'm pinning this on you" and they take me in.
13ppl in a room, 2 guys actually was still leaning up against the dresser when the cops came thru the door
Thats what happened. This is what often happens. This is America
From your point of view, if we talked about Jail populations you'll say "All those black criminals"
From my point of view its "They targeting black ppl to fill those jails, not the other way around"
I can back up my point of view from just personal life experience, and watching white people (close friends of mine) get away with much worse on a consistent basis to the point they often joke about "If Courtney was driving" cuz they experienced it themselves as well
But if my experience isn't enough. I can provide constant reminders if you prefer?
Jena 6 happened in 2007
5 Years Later, Jena 6 Move On | Breaking News for Black America
I mean a nygga with 6 kids by 4 different women? WTF is he going to tell me about God?
He could tell you everything about GOD, why couldn't he?
Your fist mistake is your looking to any man to be identical to GOD... and then they can speak

Without speaking to any man, God has laid out some rules for all of us to follow. We don't follow them all, and when we dont ppl like YOU then think you can take GOD out of the equation because of it (devil move)
Look, the hardest thing to follow... and God I believe (maybe jesus.. maybe it was a priest) but the hardest thing to do, is to forgive.
That means forgiving the person who shot and killed your Brother

It means forgiving Ray Lewis if he is truly sorry, or praying for him if he isn't
The way your acting, what different than Jena 6 judges?
Maybe you forgot the story... 14yr old black kid ask if he can sit under a tree, is denied because that area is for WHITE KIDS ONLY (year is 2007)
Next day, white kids put up nooses at that exact spot
Next day a fight breaks out.. my link makes it seem like it was 6 on 1 (white excellence there)
These 6 black kids are charged with attempted murder.. the kid who was almost murdered was at a party the very next day
Anywayz, not that you need to show compassion in this instance.. We forced it out of them.
So what has happened to those 5 Killer Negro's? El Negro's
Members of the Jena Six are determined to move away – and learn – from their controversial pasts. They say they want to be something one day: A sports agent, a lawyer, a military man. Those interviewed said they don’t run into problems when they return to Jena to visit family.
“I’ve tried to wash those memories out of the back of my head,” said Jessie Ray Beard, who was 14 when he was arrested in the beating. “I have other things to concentrate on.”
Beard’s attorney’s arranged for him to stay with another attorney’s family in New York about three and a half years ago and attend the Canterbury School, a private boarding school in Connecticut.
“That first year was very, very hard for him,” said Alan Howard, the attorney with whom Beard lives.
“It took a tremendous effort on his part to make it.”
Beard has since gone on to Hofstra, where he earned an academic scholarship, is pursuing legal studies and business, and plays on the lacrosse team. He plans to go to grad school on the west coast and eventually work as a sports agent.
Robert Bailey Jr., who graduated from high school in Georgia, plays wide receiver at Grambling and is a member of the ROTC. After he graduates in 2013, he hopes to pursue a military career.
“Because of what happened, I grew up. I learned things too, like doing things the right way,” Bailey said.
Mychal Bell, who was 16 at the time, was the only defendant to go to trial. He was convicted, but that decision was set aside. He ultimately pleaded guilty to a second-degree battery charge and received an 18-month sentence. The other five accepted a plea deal that gave them seven days probation, a $500 fine and court costs.
Bell, a highly recruited football player before the beating, is a cornerback on Southern University’s team. His attorney said it was best if he wasn’t interviewed.
“Every time there’s something in the press about him, he gets a lot of hate mail,” said Bell’s attorney, Louis Scott.
Theo Shaw, 21, is now studying political science and history at Louisiana University-Monroe and plans to go to law school. He has done several internships in the field, he said, including one with the Innocence Project, a national nonprofit that works to free wrongfully convicted prisoners. His time in jail sparked his interest in law – he said he spent a lot of time reading up on the subject so he could file court papers.
“I do think it was a situation that helped me to develop character and be a better person,” Shaw said. “But beyond that, I don’t think of it much anymore.”
Bryant Purvis is enrolled in Southeastern Louisiana. Carwin Jones did not return calls left with his father for comment.
The victim, Justin Barker, is the only one who still lives in Jena. Now 22, he’s an inconspicuous young man: thin, with soft brown hair and large eyes, a Southerner raised to say “Yes, ma’am” and “Yes, sir” and stay quiet around strangers. So he’s always surprised when someone asks if he’s “that” Justin Barker, he told The Associated Press in his first media interview since the beating five years ago.
“That’s the only time that whole thing comes up,” Barker said, sitting in the dining area of his tidy new trailer. These days he works on an oil rig in Texas – seven days on, seven off – and helps his father cut timber when he’s home. He recently divorced the woman who was his girlfriend when he was beaten.
The defendants initially claimed Barker had made a racial slur, prompting the attack. But they admitted that was untrue as part of the plea deal. As for Barker, all he remembers is this: He walked out of the gym and turned left to avoid a crowd when something hit him.
“I don’t know why they attacked me,” he said. “No one ever told me, and I don’t have a clue until this day.”
Everyone one of those kids if charged the way they was gonna do them? What would of happened to there futures? I live in Virginia and I'm telling you they did me that way. Its not some isolated shyt that goes on in rural alabama, its nationwide. Meanwhile the kid who took the beat down, yeah he never learned of what/where/why?

He just lived in a town with the population of 3,000. The entire universe knows why he took that ass whoopin, but him?
White Excellence