Highkey having a harder time with this than my action movie list.

Might swap some shyt around towards the end of the poll...
1. John Carpenter's: The Thing
2. Alien
3. Repulsion
4. Rosemary's Baby
5. Suspiria
6. Audition
7. The Birds
8. Psycho
9. Let Me In / Let The Right One In (I like both equally)
10. Poltergeist
Honorable Mentions:
À l'intérieur - Inside: One of the Goat Home Invasion movies

. French Extreme / New Wave
Possession (1981): More of a drama, but I enjoyed the fukkery...a lot. Had me like

multiple times.
Maniac (remake): Although the motives behind the antagonist aren't the greatest, the story does have a message (or rather pokes a lot of fun at a certain stereotype). The cinematography is

Silence of the Lambs: If you haven't seen it...
The Terminator: Arnold kicking in the door waving the 44 was way scarier to me than them goons that walked around with knives(

Speaking of Psycho. There is a scene that scared me way more than the knife in the shower. That shyt with the old Resident Evil Director's cut camera angle (I know Hitchcock came first). Hitchcock was on one with that bullshyt. lol