Coli doctors/specialists working overtime
I have experience working in brain injury rehab
. All im saying without having been around Errol pre or post accident, I dont get the vibe that he's impaired so far, its a wait and see thing with his case, you have to see someone partake in "Everything" they used to do prior. A legit boxing match is another test he has to pass, physically and mentally
But take someone like Adonis Stevenson, if I saw what I saw of him recently as a first time experience, without knowing his history in any aspect at all, I could tell off rip he has an issue.
The brain injury game can be deep, all types of waivers and shyt can be signed to clear depending on power of attorney and etc, a lot of those cats be on anxiety and depression meds too, whether brain injury free or not, just the ptsd of what happened can be taxing
More messed up things have happened with corrupt medical professionals and ect, but like I said earlier I dont believe his own pops or trainer would have him out there if he wasnt right/wasnt passing the necessary test. They seem to have a big influence on breh and could convince him not to ride with it if otherwise. I just hope all is well.