We got a new coli queen brehs. Agnosticlady part deux


All Star
Jul 8, 2015
If you don't see his trolling as posts then. You must be biased because he has a mixed gf or just blind, cause he's really not okay. You can't be "okay" trolling a black forum with cacset or interracial topics.

I'm not a coli militant pro black power anything. But It's CLEAR THAT DUDE Is Trolling With ALOT Of His posts. Why would a black dude go to storm front asking for advice about his white gf on different occasions when he knows that probably get majority of posters riled up.

These ladies on here are weird as hell too, dude can give me a thousand dap and reps. I would not even interact with him. He looks WEIRD, probably talks weird, and probably smells WEIRD. Looks sleezy
Trolling and that's very subjective....once again, I'll reiterate myself, nobody is going to police my opinions and whom I can('t) give advice to here. Ain't nobody giving me orders but MY man and certainly not some girl or strangers. You're online calling "females weird" here which tells me you've other intentions but that's not my business. I'll be on my way from this thread.....