I need Xavier to win KOTR and get his singles run
Actually if vince was smart.
He would have booked xavier.
in the active mvp fakes dixie swerve talker meets competitor role like impact.
before injury originally sidelined mvp.
to his current low quality race misrepresented interpretation of paul heyman with a different paint job. wwe character i believe is marketed on tv now.
As vkm only does the obvious critical covert carnie racism move.
when booking in 2021 of all things.
Yet since he probably is not smart enough to go bite directly.
He waits till a coworker comes along to supply bitin'.
Then plays duke igthorn.
While being ignorant to the fact.
The people he is trying to sell and market shyt to.
While treating everyone like toadie.
Watched gummy bears tho.
That is how ignorantly suffering from disconnect stoopid vkm is.
Duke booking black grapplers like 1983 and 1987 or so.
In 2021.
Based on what if mister t could be lawrence taylor.
Then could work a full schedule after mania in the mid eighties.
While trying to apply duke igthorn steals from toadie and fukks it all up. To deflect blame on others. Mixed with children act and mother's group logic.
That create, creates and keeps Creating and elongating.
The actual origin of the word, PHONEY.
got lashley using 1980 meets failed chris masters finisher in the 2000's. With complete disconnect to and having no real mat based psychology or progressive logic.
Nor comparative inring look or ferocity.
resembling anything connected to what a real drawing bobby lashley character is. When compared to wwe's utilization of brock lesnar.
When lash has a better actually mat based pedigree, look and workrate.
From shoot to work. When comapared to lesnar in every way.
Yet i have yet to see any marks of the wwe.
raise this question prominently.
or any other valid question.
about the wwe and the level of quality in their content
Vkm is under such disconnect.
Into believe'n in bigger is better.
Then acting as though.
a larger ring is gonna mask.
His idea of neuter dialed back overall company work rate.
Using bill watts level logic about inring workrate and speed.
That is only dialed into caw level workrate. All so,... a retiring son in law.
Can become the long term established legacy draw in the company.
The goofie shyt is so obvious.
It is goofie as fukk.
That no smart will ever sit there.
Then critique a wwe anything and not note the United daughter of the Confederate meets blue blood colts levels of miseducated silver spoon carny idiocy.
That are presented in any amd every wwf and wwe based content or property.
shyt is insulting.
Which is why wrasslin has a long term taboo stigma.
As a silver spoon carnie roided pedo enablin pos.
Is allowed free reign.
to promote such low quality low brow carnie drivel.
Art Barr