Art Barr
Well...TSC was red hot after Rock=Greatness joined..Mr. Sam and I Hate You stood out too. I was Pm'd here and other boards on helping them register but that was Femme..they needed to go through her. The Coli wouldn't even exist because it was a JBO thread that was only allowed to exist because I tolerated it and didn't believe in snitching.
your recount of what occurred is delusional.
you have never been a great poster in content here whatsoever.
you are a rock mark based Stan.
who parrots my views in eddy and rock.
while never grasping amy ideal of being a smart whatsoever.
you have never even posted a rant or any smart views.
you are villified from your own lack of content gon awry.
if you have such great content.
post one rock match rant.
I will wait.
art barr