I legit think Its because its a respiratory illness. Not saying we are immune to respiratory diseases, but i dont think they affect us as much as asians and whites. Think of all the respiratory illnesses ( swine flu, spanish flu, corona ), none have come from africa. The climate of tropical africa is a factor .
They say these diseases come from bats but the same species of bats which cause these diseases ( fruit bats ) can be found throughout africa and asian, yet the diseases they cause in asia tend to be respiratory and the diseases they cause in africa are contracted through bodily fluids ( ebola ). It seems to me like virus' in the animal population in africa likely could not spread airborne due to the climate and adapted to spread through bodily fluids. Likewise i also believe we have adapted to our environment over time and respiratory illnesses do not fair that well with us
I dont think this shyt gonna spread in africa like that.