WCW was accused of being racist as hell

Apr 2, 2017
I was looking up something about Paul Orndorff and racism and ran into this. There was a lawsuit made by Rick Reeves, a wrestler trying to get on at WCW, and the paperwork documents the accusations of WILD racism by WCW higher ups. There are statements made by Pez Whatley, Rocky King, Pee-Wee Anderson (stand up for him to speak on this), and others documenting all the people that were racist in their language and hiring practices. There is so much to quote but Jody Hamilton (Assassin #1), JJ Dillon and Kevin Sullivan (whom were BOTH just on Steve Harvey with Steve showing love to these dudes), Eric Bischoff, Terry Taylor, Vince Russo all were referenced. Here are some of the quotes from the lawsuit (link below)

Reeves v. World Championship, et al | Response | Casetext

Some quotes:

Jody Hamilton

"According to Brenda Smith, assistant to the Power Plant Manager, Jody Hamilton, when Jody Hamilton spoke on the telephone with WCW officials about wrestlers in the Power Plant, he used words such as "jiggerboggie and lackey" to designate which wrestlers were African-American. (Smith Dep. at 19, 21, 122.)"

"While manager of the Power Plant, Jody Hamilton stated to Tony Carr, "I don't know who's blowing smoke up your ass they ain't hiring no ******s." (Carr Dep. at 55, Tab Z)"

"Jody Hamilton made the following comment to Tony Carr: "Martin Luther King started off this problem and that's why Black people are having so much trouble now. -- He started segregation. -- A lot of Black people got, you know, sucked up in it because they weren't smart enough to keep up with the White people, so it's bringing down the society." (Carr Dep. at 97, Tab Z).

"135. When African-American performer Rock Boulware was allowed to work as a referee, Hamilton "got mad" and stated to Boulware that "you know that no Black person go over me and become no referee." (Boulware Dep. at 59-61, Tab AA). Case 1:00-cv-01720-CC Document 110 Filed 01/30/03 Page 81 of 98"

" According to Rocky Boulware, Jody Hamilton regularly used words such as "******, buckwheat, crackhead." (Boulware Cep. at 73, Tab AA)."

"Jody Hamilton told Rocky Boulware that there was a survey that showed that Black people would not pay $100 or $200 for a ticket and that Turner had said "why use the Blacks? We don't need them." (Boulware Dep. at 150, Tab AA).

"138. Jody Hamilton told African-American wrestler Rick Reeves that "we got enough of your kind down here." (Reeves Dep, at say . "

139. Jody Hamilton told Thunderbolt Patterson: "they don't fool with no ******s that they got problems. You're a problem. They don't want you to influence the other blacks. You asked for your money, you asked for equal opportunity, and they hadn't given it to you." (Patterson Dep. at 117). Case 1:00-cv-01720-CC Document 110 Filed 01/30/03 Page 82 of 98"

Paul Orndorff

"According to Randall Anderson, a member of the Booking Committee, Power Plant manager Paul Orndorff "hated blacks." (Anderson Dep. at 106-107). 191."

"Paul Orndorff used the word "******" while he was a wrestler at WCW. (Randall Anderson Dep. at 170). "

"142. On one occasion, Paul Orndorff stated that "some of our black wrestlers are good . . . then you got some of the wrestlers that are ******s." (Hart Dep. at 117). "

"143. On one occasion, Paul Orndorff stated that the problem with America was that "******s" were causing crimes and were responsible for "unemployment and rapes." (Onoo Dep. at 254-255)."

"144. Paul Orndorff told African American wrestler Tony Carr that WCW was not "hiring ******s." (Carr Dep. at 95, Tab Z)."

" 195. Paul Orndorff told Rocky Boulware that he had received information from Turner Sports that "black people don't buy tickets; they don't use no ******s." (Boulware Dep. at 72-73, Tab AA)."

"146. Paul Orndorff also used terms such as "******, buckwheat, and crackhead" to refer to African Americans. (Boulware Dep. at 72-73, Tab AA). "

JJ Dillon

"- 103. J. J. Dillon referred to Moses Williams as the "good ******" because Moses Williams "didn't make waves." (Williams Dep. at 27)."

"105. J.J. Dillon stated that he thought that a country music western song that used the word "******" was a "great" song. (Whatley Dep. at 62-63, Tab BB)."

"106. According to Pez Whatley, a WCW trainer, J. J. Dillon prevented African-Americans from advancing at WCW because J. J. Dillon was "as racist as they come." (Whatley Dep. at 62, Tab BB). "

"107. Teddy Long, a WCW wrestler, informed Bobby Walker that he knew that J.J. Dillon "did not like black persons." (Bobby Walker Dep. at 168)."

Arn Anderson

"Randall Anderson, who was a personal friend of Kevin Sullivan, Terry Taylor, Arn Anderson, and J.J. Dillon, testified: "I'm just saying they said the racist remark. And I know they didn't like blacks too much." (Randall Anderson Dep. at 109-110). 113. Case 1:00-cv-01720-CC Document 110 Filed 01/30/03 Page 76 of 98"

"According to Randall Anderson, Arn Anderson would not share a room with African-Americans. (Randall Anderson Dep. at 111)."

"Anderson called Teddy Long, an African-American wrestler, a "******". (Randall Anderson Dep. at 83, 175; Bobby Walker Dep. at 211). "

"115. Arn Anderson regularly used the term "******". (Randall Anderson Dep. at 83-89)."

" 116. Both African-American and Caucasian wrestlers told Moses Williams that Arn Anderson did not care for Black wrestlers and that he had his Caucasian favorites. (Williams Dep. at 252)"

"Arn Anderson stated "I ain't piling a bunch of ******s in my car or a bunch of Mexicans in my car." (Randall Anderson Dep. 179)."

"On one occasion, Arn Anderson and other WCW officials decided to have Rocky Boulware change his name to "Little Richard Marley . . . the ****** that was standing out in the yard;" they joked, "paint the ****** up."

Terry Taylor - this is some wild shyt!

"Reeves also gave Taylor his wrestling tapes. (Reeves at 56). When Reeves asked Taylor about getting a job, Taylor's response was, "we got enough of y'all boys already." (Reeves at 55-56). Taylor clearly meant that WCW did not wish to employ any more African-Americans. (Reeves at 56)."

"Reeves also heard Taylor use "the `n' word" in conversations with other people. (Reeves at 85). Case 1:00-cv-01720-CC Document 110 Filed 01/30/03 Page 9 of 98"

"Stating to Reeves, "we got enough of y'all boys already." (Reeves at 55-56). "

"Stating to Plaintiff Walker that "you're a ****** and you have no talent." (Snakovsky at 76). When informed that Walker had complained of his racial bias, stating that "I don't know if I'm a racist but I know that . . .[h]e's a ****** with no talent." (Bayens at 19). "

"Stating that neither Walker nor Plaintiff Norris would make it in the wrestling profession because they were "black." (Snakovsky Aff. at 91 7, Tab D)."

"When Walker was jumping off the ropes, stating "that ******, he's not good for jumping, so he should go play basketball too." (Snakovsky at 83-89). "

"Repeatedly telling African-American Ernest Miller that even though Miller was a good athlete, "the only reason you got a job is because you're black" and that "this company don't market toward blacks; we only have white fans, and [they're only going to] look at you as a ******." (Miller at 66, 101)."

" Stating that, in his opinion, black wrestlers "weren't much of a draw." (Bayens at 19, 62-63). "

"Stating that black persons had great physiques because they were genetically inclined or predisposed, but that he questioned their ability to wrestle. (Bayens at 21-22, 69- 65). "

" Stating that Ernest Miller was "another ****** with no talent." (Bayens at 20). Case 1:00-cv-01720-CC Document 110 Filed 01/30/03 Page 15 of 98'

"Stating that black wrestlers "shouldn't be in our sport, they should be in basketball." (Snakovsky at 78), "

"Stating that "a lot of black people wouldn't make it in the business because they are black as long as he had something to do with it." (Snakovsky at 78). "

"When renowned wrestler Hulk Hogan was scheduled to begin at WCW, stating that he did not want any black wrestlers on the show; "there won't be any brothers on the show." (Williams Aff. 1 40, Tab E; Williams at 59-57). "

"In reference to Harrison Norris, stating "that damn Hardbody is a no good ******." ;Snakovsky at 108, 140; Snakovsky Aff. 1 18, Tab D)."

" Taylor used the "******" word quite a bit. (Anderson at 107). When watching a match involving Ernest Miller and Sonny Onoo, stating "there's a ****** and a Jap. Who's going to want to watch that?" (Bayens at 67; Miller at 198-149). "

"When referring to African-American wrestlers, saying "that stupid ******" and often used the word "******" when he was talking to other WCW officials while traveling on WCW business. (Anderson at 85, 172-173)."

"When a Caucasian was scheduled to replace an African-American, stating "don't worry about the ******s, I'll take care of that." (Williams at 110)."

" Stating his opinion that wrestling fans are "white" and that blacks don't buy wrestling tickets." (Williams at 111, 119-116; Williams Aff. 9f 19, Tab E). "

"On a very cold winter day, stating that "you better turn on the air conditioner because you know those ******s can't take the cold." (Carr at 92-93,Tab Z). "

" When African-American wrestler Tony Carr was going to participate in a WCW event in Montana, stating that ".^.o one would believe there were ******s in Montana." (Carr at 139, Tab Z)."

" Apparently referencing to a demographic survey that was done by a Turner Defendant, informing African-American Rocky Boulware that "Turner told us we don't need to use you all ******s." (Boulware at 71, 124-125, Tab AA). Case 1:00-cv-01720-CC Document 110 Filed 01/30/03 Page 16 of 98"

"Also, during a main event, WCW instructed a Caucasian wrestler, Buff Bagwell, to appear in the ring with his face painted black in order to mock African-American Ernest Miller. Taylor even commented to Miller: "he [looks] like you. He looks like a ******." (Miller at 149)."

"97. Although African-American Booker T became the champion or. June 9, 2000, Vince Russo and Terry Taylor indicated that WCW made him the champion to respond to allegations of race discrimination, (Snakovsky Aff. 15 20, Tab G; see also Williams Aff. IT, 20-23, Tab E). "

"148. Terry Taylor told Vince Russo that "they've got this discrimination against us -- we're going to have to do something, you know give somebody the belt -- Booker T looked really good and Booker T is a really great athlete . . . you know, maybe this will get rid of some of the heat on us right now."

"-39- 162. On one occasion Terry Taylor and J. J. Dillon told Rocky Boulware not to bring his "White woman" around the matches. (Boulware Dep. at 138, Tab AA)."
Apr 2, 2017
Eric Bischoff

" Stating that wrestling was a "white man's sport" and that is why WCW did not have many black wrestlers. (Williams Aff. 4 12, Tab E)."

"Stating that blacks were not paying to watch WCW events live and that they would rather watch it on TV. (Anderson at 1777 Reeves at 178). "

" When observing Plaintiff Norris, he stated that "that's too ******ish for my television." (Anderson at 90, 177-178)."

" When observing another African-American wrestler, he stated that "we need to get that crack ****** off the TV." (Anderson at 76-77, 202)."

" Using the word "******" in relation to wrestlers on more than one occasion. (Kearce at 42)."

" On one occasion, while removing African-American wrestlers from the schedule, indicating that it was "white night." (Whatley at 132-139, Tab BB; Smith at 57; Reeves at 177-178)."

" When Plaintiff Patterson tried to get a job at WCW, telling him that "we don't need no ******s." (Patterson at 76, 93)."

" Instructing Bookers not to worry about "pushing a black or a ******." (Anderson at 177). "

" Asking why WCW was "pushing some of the blacks and some of the ******s on our television show?" (Anderson at 74-75).

Vince Russo

"Similarly, Vince Russo,9 Bischoff's successor, made blatantly racist remarks, demonstrating his intent to also discriminate against African-Americans: " Agreeing that African-American wrestlers were not as good workers as the white wrestlers. (Snakovsky at 82). Case 1:00-cv-01720-CC Document 110 Filed 01/30/03 Page 17 of 98"

"- 18 - Often using racial slurs, including "******" when referring to wrestlers. (Sullivan at 55-56). "

" Calling African-Americans "Moclions," referring to a tribe from Africa. (Sullivan at 56)."

" Indicating his racial bias by specifically referring to "blacks" or "the brothers." (Williams at 99-96). "

" Stating that "whites rule wrestling." (Williams Aff. 9f 12, Tab E)."

" Stating that "black folks don't buy wrestling tickets anyway, wrestling fans are white." (Williams at 99-96). "

" Indicating that WCW was going to have a "white champion" because that was the way he wanted it. (Williams Aff. 9[ 12, Tab E). "

" Using the word "******" on more than one occasion. (Kearce at 38). "

Doug Dillinger (head of WCW security)

"WCW security manager Doug Dillinqer told Rocky Boulware that refereeing dog matches was a thing that "the ****** do." (Boulware Dep. at 61-62, Tab AA). "

"On one occasion, Doug Dillinger, head a WCW security, stated that he didn't want to "hear no more of that ****** music."

"On one occasion, the manager of WCW's Security Department, Doug Dillinger, stated that "yes, I used the N-word and I will use it again." (Williams Aff. $ 38, Tab E; Williams Dep. at 132-133)."

"193. Doug Dillinger, expressly stated that he would not have a "black" security person at WCW, and he never did employ an African-American. (Williams Dep. at 139-135)."

"194. When Tony Carr spoke with Doug Dillinger about becoming a security guard, Doug Dillinger informed Mr. Carr that he did not hire Blacks. (Carr Dep, at 111, Tab Z)."

"195. Doug Dillinger never provided any merchandise or WCW paraphernalia to any African-American children. (Williams Dep. at 226-227)."

DDP and Kanyon

"Pez Whatley stated that he heard Caucasian wrestlers Chris Kanyon and Diamond Dallas Page use the term "******" when referring to other wrestlers. (Whatley Dep. at 174, Tab BB)."

Seargent Buddy Lee Parker

"On one occasion, when Booker T. got a tremendous reaction from the crowd, a wrestler asked trainer Dwayne Bruce "do you think that it is because of his super tan? and Bruce responded, "it doesn't take a scientist to figure out everything." (Easterling Dep. at 72-73)."

Kevin Sullivan

"One of the principal bookers, Kevin Sullivan, testified that he was aware of the racial demographics of WCW's audience, which he believed was "predominantly white." (Sullivan Dep. at 23)."

"154. Many statements and rumors circulated throughout WCW that there were not enough "blacks" in the viewing audience and that African-Americans would not pay to see a wrestling event live. (Anderson Dep. at 189-185; Bobby Walker Dep. at 96-97). "

"155. Kevin Sullivan commented to Jimmy Hart that WCW had information that black fans were not going to pay for an arena seat. (Hart Dep. at 68-69)."

"156. Kevin Sullivan told Bobby Walker that WCW normally did not have "black on black" wrestling matches, i.e., a black wrestler opposing another black wrestler in the same match. (Bobby Walker Dep. at 80). Case 1:00-cv-01720-CC Document 110 Filed 01/30/03 Page 86 of 98"


"164. On one occasion, in the presence of other individuals, David Crockett, a WCW Booker and executive, told Tony Carr to "get your Black ass back in there and tape those ropes." (Carr Dep. at 100, Tab Z).

"165. Randy Savage, a Booker and wrestler, told Pez Whatley that they were going to have changes in the Booking Committee, but that Whatley would not be selected and then "pointed to [Whatley's] skin." (Whatley Dep. at 135, Tab BB). "

"166. WCW trainer Pez Whatley warned African-American wrestlers that they were not going to get an equal opportunity and that it was going to be twice as hard for them to succeed. (Whatley Dep. at 139-190, Tab BB). Case 1:00-cv-01720-CC Document 110 Filed 01/30/03 Page 88 of 98"

WCW needing black people at their shows - same Turner that now has AEW on.

Ed Ferrara, a Booker, testified about a presentation from a marketing research firm to WCW, as follows:

Q. You understood them to say that basically there was going to be more black persons who were going to be watching it than there are going to actually be paying tickets to the events?

A. That's what I understood they were trying to get across, the facts they were trying to get across. (Ferrara Dep. at 59).

150. WCW maintained lists that designated wrestlers based on their race: "while you have your babyface talent, of course --You have your heels and you'd have girls. Then Mexicans. You'd have blacks." (Anderson Dep. at 95-97).

151. Terry Taylor, Arn Anderson, J.J. Dillon and Dusty Rhodes all indicated to Rocky Buulware that "the Turner people basically told them, when no Black people come to the show, they didn't have to use no Black." (Boulware Dep. at 96, 124-125, Tab AA). Case 1:00-cv-01720-CC Document 110 Filed 01/30/03 Page 85 of 98


Apr 10, 2015
Damn :mjcry: I know, I shouldn’t be surprised…

Same with Savage :mjcry:

"165. Randy Savage, a Booker and wrestler, told Pez Whatley that they were going to have changes in the Booking Committee, but that Whatley would not be selected and then "pointed to [Whatley's] skin." (Whatley Dep. at 135, Tab BB). "

Maybe he was trying to look out for him, and tip him off that the big brass were gonna push him out. But why didn't he stand up for him to stay on? Would rather keep his spot and not ruffle feathers :mjcry: Or he really was down af with pushing him out, and letting him know it's because he's black :mjcry:
Apr 2, 2017
Same with Savage :mjcry:

"165. Randy Savage, a Booker and wrestler, told Pez Whatley that they were going to have changes in the Booking Committee, but that Whatley would not be selected and then "pointed to [Whatley's] skin." (Whatley Dep. at 135, Tab BB). "

Maybe he was trying to look out for him, and tip him off that the big brass were gonna push him out. But why didn't he stand up for him to stay on? Would rather keep his spot and not ruffle feathers :mjcry: Or he really was down af with pushing him out, and letting him know it's because he's black :mjcry:

Yeah, you can interpret that a bunch of ways... was Macho looking out and telling him the real or was he part of keeping him down? I don't know.