watsup with blacks defending whites online?


WHK North Jesus
Feb 16, 2015
WHK North
If you're on a "white site", then those people are going to be racist as fukk.

My experience is that the kind of White people who give a shyt about Black people don't fukk with "white sites".
Speaking on my experience. For example lets take Yahoo.com. My mom's personal email is on there. I know alotta blacks on dere. If u go on their news site. Most comments is anti black.
I'm drunk n high right now so u maybe right but I may come back when im sober.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Keep in mind whites have NEVER apologized for slavery, colonialism, imperialism, neo-colonialism. Not formally, and not informally. This tactic of "I'm not resposnsible for my ancestors or my race" yet not a single leader apologized between all these fukking YEARS. Lincoln didn't apologize

I'm not sure what you think he meant here, in the climax to his last and greatest speech:

"Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."

Lincoln was racist, like nearly all White men in the 19th century were, but he sure knew that slavery was evil.

white people have brainwashed everyone with the "2 wrongs don't make a right", "be the better person!""turn the other cheek", rhetoric.

whites have NEVER played by those rules, and for good reason to help themselves.

2 world wars, anyone? Europeans slaughtering each other for thousands of years. CACs make sure their retribution is met, no matter what, and they can justify that easily using semantics.

You don't even have to go back that far. Look at all American conflicts.

Invading Iraq and Afghanistan for 9/11 is being the better person?

Is sending drones over Pakistan NOT 2 wrongs not making a right?

Is the war on terror really turning the other cheek?

Is fighting ISIS really justice? If so, why is rioting over a killer cop not?

America and Europe fighting against ISIS is the modern epitome of their bullshyt. CACs know violence is the ONLY way to gain something but would have you believe you otherwise.

Superpower countries have never been founded on good will. You would not be able to live off the benefits of America if CACs didn't come over and slaughter the natives (after the natives were kind to them) and take their land. The global economy could not function if this country or any world power did not exploit, enslave, or kill people. Great Britian didn't become great simply because they were so good at trading.

whites run by their own rule of justice but impose on you rules and "morality" that they never follow themselves.

Anyone who thinks that America, Great Britain, or any of those other countries are historically "moral" is wrong. Their supposed "justice" is not justice.

But no White person came up with "turn the other cheek", unless you believe the bs that Jesus was a white man.

By and large, the heroes who have pulled off the nonviolence the best have not been White - South Africa, India, Philippines, and the Civil Rights Movement. They only fell short when they felt they won something and got lazy...but it was better than the endless coups that don't get it done at all except put a new violence into power.

You think anything good came out of those 2 World Wars for the White countries that started them? That Europe was not a wasteland after WW1 and WW2? That the Nazis were better off after 8 million of their soldiers died and their country was fire-bombed to hell or the Russians were better off losing 20 million?

You think America is better off having invaded Afghanistan or Iraq....or that the Afghanistanis and Iraqis have been any better off from those wars either?

As you say, "Is sending drones over Pakistan NOT 2 wrongs not making a right?"...and isn't it just making more terror and violence more likely in Pakistan?

You claiming that violence is the only way to get something...but violence hasn't gotten anything good for anyone except for a couple powerful a-holes on the top...and often enough the a-holes fall too. The foot soldiers on the bottom actually participating in the violence get crapped on.

white people are lucky Blacks and Africans aren't flying planes into buildings and slaughtering white families in the night on a daily basis. We're probably the slackest as far as revenge goes.

And who profits from that shyt, other than the defense contractors? Rich White Americans with contracts profit far more from escalating wars than anyone else does. Actual brothers on the ground, Arabs and Americans both, just die, or come back disabled and mentally messed up. That's what "revenge" gets you.

My life is devoted to the struggle, but I'm going to keep doing stuff that raises the community up, not pulling it down by pulling others down.
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
America nor most of western Europe have not fallen.

Looking across the White dispora...

White South Africa fell, White Zimbabwe fell, USSR fell, Hitler fell, Mussolini fell, the Spanish Republic fell, the German empire and Austro-Hungarian empire of WW1 fell, the Ottoman Empire fell, the Russian Csar fell, Napoleon fell, the French revolutionaries fell, even Lincoln got taken down. A shytload of kings across Western Europe fell in the last 3 centuries. Even when their violence was too distant to come home - the French lost Vietnam bad and were driven out, Americans lost Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos bad and were driven out, Britain lost India bad and were driven out.

A lot of those war-minded White men on the top have taken some pretty fukking big losses. I'm not saying that it happens every single time, but the violence always turns out bad for the regular folk on the bottom, and often turns out bad even for the powerful folk at the top.

You misread completely, I was pointing out the flaw in logic that cac supremacy works on when it comes to violence.

I agree that their public logic is flawed and a lie, but the "truth" that they are operating on is flawed too.


All Star
Jun 6, 2014
If you're on a "white site", then those people are going to be racist as fukk.

My experience is that the kind of White people who give a shyt about Black people don't fukk with "white sites".

And no way you'd find a Black person on one of those "White sites".

Meanwhile, on, "Black sites", you find all types of Black people, not just racist ones. And there usually isn't any problem with White people being on those Black sites.

So I'm not disagreeing with what you see, just don't think it's representative of the same kinds of people.

I'd rather that Black sites like The Coli keep being who they are, and fukk the "White sites".
However, this behavior isn't exclusively seen on "white websites". Check youtube comment sections of videos that may involve blacks, check comment sections all over the web. The Coli is really the exception to the norm. I like this site a lot more when we're not talking bout other groups, but it is what it is.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
However, this behavior isn't exclusively seen on "white websites". Check youtube comment sections of videos that may involve blacks, check comment sections all over the web. The Coli is really the exception to the norm. I like this site a lot more when we're not talking bout other groups, but it is what it is.

Oh, I don't deny that there's racist fukks all over the internet. I can't even look at the comments on yahoo, CNN, etc. anymore because there are so many racist a$$holes on there. The internet is the perfect medium for them.

But the faint praise that I'll give White people is that on sites like yahoo and cnn and shyt, you have White people being racists and white people yelling at the racists and defending black people as well. The claim in the OP seemed to be that only Black people are willing to defend White people from other Black people. But I see White people stanning for Michael Brown and Freddie Grey even as other White people throw them hate.

Again, it's faint praise, but the standards of the OP were pretty low. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and wait to see how he says it when he sobers up though.


Mar 24, 2014
That shyt too real.
Remember Kramer? fukker got Jesse Jackson to be his rent a nikka at the apology press conference.


Think about how many nikkas came out the woodwork to defend Justin Beiber after 2 tapes of him saying some racist shyt came out.

Mike Vick stuck his neck out to show support to Riley "I'll beat up every ****** in here" Cooper.

That's all off the top of my head, but the problem is that us black people are too forgiven to these a$$hole who only apologize if it effects their money.

Its a known fact Jesse can be bought..

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
I agree with offline, but not online, they get lit up on the sites I go on. :manny:

offline however, these c00ns coming to defend Beiber, Riley etc, is just too much. Glad no one came to save Sterling. We're learning......


New York knicks and phoenix suns stan
Dec 11, 2014
Chicago, IL
:patrice:Are you guys really too ignorant/uneducated/stupid to realize that you hating on whites is only feeding the vicious cycle of racism? Really? :russ::snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop:
Hate breeds hate.
Negativity breeds negativity.
Racism breeds racism.

This reminds me of the war between English (Anglophones) and French (Francophones) here in Québec...

Anglo who disses Francophones: "Well I don't like them cuz they don't like us!"

Francophone who disses Anglos: "The only reason I hate them is cuz they hate us!"

They're trying to dig up history from a war that happened before they were even born. :snoop: When in fact if you ask most Anglos, none of them truly have anything against Francophones and vice versa.

In the end, it's barbaric/backwards/lame/stupid/ignorant to hate someone based on their skin colour or language that they speak. This is so close minded and pathetic.

The world is a beautiful place full of tons of amazing people that you will never meet or enjoy because you're so busy hating them. :manny: Have fun in your little bubble, hater! The rest of us out here playin, lovin life & havin fun! :dj2:
if only most of YOUR people felt that way. :jay74:

GROW the fukk UP. Cacs have made it clear that they hate us for being who we are. Just cuz you arent racist dont mean that the powers to be in the country arent. :francis:

Who makes the decisions in the country?:sas1:

who hate black people and try to show that any way they can? :sas2:

i dont give a fukk how much we sing KumbyYA my lord and dance around. the system in the country is still fukk and CLEARLY favors people of a certain background :asassassa:


Sep 2, 2014
jesus christ reading this thread.
the day a cave bytch could ever go in on me about not liking black women is the day i put a ruger to my dome.

thank god that will never happen :blessed: