Skyfall is a shoe in for best cinematography.
nah its gonna be really close with life of pi...
can't believe they did leo like that..he gets no respect from the academy
Skyfall is a shoe in for best cinematography.
Co-sign. I saw it in an iMax theatre and from the opening scenes it had meYES @ Promethus getting a Visual Effects nom, people really slept on the visuals of that film, they were amazing.
Co-sign. I saw it in an iMax theatre and from the opening scenes it had me
I just wish Michael Fassbender could've gotten some love for his supporting role as David. He didn't even get a look last year either. But, I understand, because supporting actor is a full house this year. Not as big a fan of Tommy Lee Jones in Lincoln as other people seem to be.
Honestly, for the first half of the movie, Lincoln didn't feel like a Best Picture. It only started to when things got dark. I wish that was the tone all the way throughout.
I understand the realities of the Oscar game. Fassbender was never going to get a nod from an underwhelming sci-fi film that dropped in the middle of the summer.If "Prometheus" got more critical acclaim than Fassbender could of had a chance but most Oscar movies are released between Sept-Dec and Prometheus came out in June. Lincoln wasn't perfect but it was a damn good political drama that kept me interested the whole time. The fact Steven took a movie like Lincoln to Blockbuster status says a lot about his skill level as a filmmaker. He made "Lincoln" a mainstream movie when any other director it would of probably flopped.
But SMH @ the Academy for not nominating any Blacks from Django. I am happy that Sam won't win for playing a C**N though, lol.
As for Leo not getting nominated. Why is everyone shocked? He said he was "Unconfortable" with playing a slave master. I'm sure the Academy saw that and didn't want to reward him for that role. He's got "The Great Gasby" coming out this summer and "Wolf of Wall St" with Scorsese coming out this winter. He will probably win for one of those. 2013 is Leo's year. Honestly, I'm glad he won't get his 1st Oscar for playing a Slave Master. But SMH @ the Academy for not nominating any Blacks from Django. I am happy that Sam won't win for playing a C**N though, lol.