nikkas with no science background once again exposing themselves
evolution happens because there is GENETIC DIVERSITY within a population....a greater number of people in the population.......the greater the probability of genetic diversity
sure humans as a whole have NOT evolved in 50 years........but because of population increase there are MORE freak athletes around now than before.......and if the population continues to grow there will be more freak athletes in the future
the worlds population has more than doubled in the last 50 years from 2.5 billion to nearly 7 billion.......add to it the fact that globalization and the rise of living standards across the globe have increased interest in most sports in regions of the world where they weren't played before......then it shouldn't be surprising that today's athletes on the average are superior athletes to those of the past.......its the case for two there are just more people now which means a greater likelihood of great athletes........second there are more people with access to sports which also means the greater likelihood of great athletes
in the future there should be even more people..........and as the world becomes more globalized and interlocked there should be even more great athletes