was Michael a better Godfather then Vito?


ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
Fredo plotted against him :what:
No. See thats the thing. Fredo was never BUILT for this. He couldnt and didnt understand the game at all. He thought he was helping himself be his own man but didnt realize that would be at the expense of his brothers life.

If fredo would have went to mike right away i think it would have been different. Mike killed fredo cause in the game, that was the move to make brother or not.

Mike tried so hard to be his father but couldnt be. He lost everything. His father fukked up by having his sons follow hik into the business.

I think its no coincedence that tom hagen, the adopted son, is the only one who i believe did for himself what the don wanted ie to be legit. A lawyer.

Mike was on his way to that but decided to fight another mans war. Vito didnt want mike to be in any war.

Perhaps fredo wasnt smart enough so vito allowed him to be his bodyguard and soak up game but i think its obvious fredo misses the finer points of the life. Sure he can run a club but he gets himself smacked around while doing it. He wasnt smart enough to aee the lies in peoples eyes and he became a target. Mike shoukd have exiled him and set him up. He was weak but he was his blood. Mike lost his way killing fredo and i believe don wouldnt have even let his kids come close to the gane if he knew itd have them killing each other over mistakes caused by outsiders

Sonny was too hot headed and about the papet. When he heard about the drugs he gave himself away at the meeting showing he wanted in and that theybwerent 100%.

Both mike and vito were good dons cause they were stone. U couldnt tell which way they would go. They made no mistakes. Vito was the better don but made the same mistakes as michael. Mike lost his fam as the don. Vito set them up to be lost. And vito did it to out food on the table but obviously got too involved. Their life could have been simpler and different. All that work for nothing. They lost it all even if they became rich and legit.

Killing fredo was a mistake. Mike did it to save face wit his crew imo. And he treated tom like shyt cause tom was what vito wanted tom to be while mike was a failure who played war for the govt who hated them and followed in footateps he didnt want for his family.


Feb 2, 2016
No. See thats the thing. Fredo was never BUILT for this. He couldnt and didnt understand the game at all. He thought he was helping himself be his own man but didnt realize that would be at the expense of his brothers life.

If fredo would have went to mike right away i think it would have been different. Mike killed fredo cause in the game, that was the move to make brother or not.

Mike tried so hard to be his father but couldnt be. He lost everything. His father fukked up by having his sons follow hik into the business.

I think its no coincedence that tom hagen, the adopted son, is the only one who i believe did for himself what the don wanted ie to be legit. A lawyer.

Mike was on his way to that but decided to fight another mans war. Vito didnt want mike to be in any war.

Perhaps fredo wasnt smart enough so vito allowed him to be his bodyguard and soak up game but i think its obvious fredo misses the finer points of the life. Sure he can run a club but he gets himself smacked around while doing it. He wasnt smart enough to aee the lies in peoples eyes and he became a target. Mike shoukd have exiled him and set him up. He was weak but he was his blood. Mike lost his way killing fredo and i believe don wouldnt have even let his kids come close to the gane if he knew itd have them killing each other over mistakes caused by outsiders

Sonny was too hot headed and about the papet. When he heard about the drugs he gave himself away at the meeting showing he wanted in and that theybwerent 100%.

Both mike and vito were good dons cause they were stone. U couldnt tell which way they would go. They made no mistakes. Vito was the better don but made the same mistakes as michael. Mike lost his fam as the don. Vito set them up to be lost. And vito did it to out food on the table but obviously got too involved. Their life could have been simpler and different. All that work for nothing. They lost it all even if they became rich and legit.

Killing fredo was a mistake. Mike did it to save face wit his crew imo. And he treated tom like shyt cause tom was what vito wanted tom to be while mike was a failure who played war for the govt who hated them and followed in footateps he didnt want for his family.

He killed Fredo because he could not trust him..He gave Fredo the chance to come clean and redeem the family bond....but Fredo lied to his face and ran away. He had no choice... family or no family his brother was a jealous snake that was to weak to stand on his own.

He kept Tom out because the advice that he offered was to weak ineffective. Plus Tom was not full blooded.... not out of jealousy but because he had to become a different animal to survive. Much more of a savage then his pops was....

Mike lost his family because his heart turned cold. He stopped caring about being who he used to be and only lusted for the power he obtained from being he was then...

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
Didn't Fredo open the drapes so that they knew where Mike was/would see him? (That's how Mike realized a hit was coming).

People give him passes because he cried a lot, dude was shady as fukk.
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What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Didn't Vito open the drapes so that they knew where Mike was/would see him? (That's how Mike realized a hit was coming).

People give him passes because he cried a lot, dude was shady as fukk.

Are you confusing Godfather and godfather part 2? Sounds like you are

John Reena

Jan 27, 2016
The duality.

Michael dies lonely all by himself.

Vito dies in the garden while making his grandson laugh.

The answer is in that..

Vito would’ve ended up like Michael if he woulda stayed on as Don. Vito knew he’d eventually have to go to war with da 5 Families and kill Connie’s husband.....that’s why Michael took da burden off of Vito and became tha Don. Vito was old n sick....Mike (and Vito too) know Vito ain’t have da heart to do it (and that woulda been the family downfall) so Mike took on all of that.
May 5, 2012
Didn't Fredo open the drapes so that they knew where Mike was/would see him? (That's how Mike realized a hit was coming).

People give him passes because he cried a lot, dude was shady as fukk.
Damn...:ohhh:. I watched that movie 30 times and never caught that. Now I ain't got no choice but to watch the Back 2 Back. Reading through all these comments left me no choice. These flicks are GOAT.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
Vito would’ve ended up like Michael if he woulda stayed on as Don. Vito knew he’d eventually have to go to war with da 5 Families and kill Connie’s husband.....that’s why Michael took da burden off of Vito and became tha Don. Vito was old n sick....Mike (and Vito too) know Vito ain’t have da heart to do it (and that woulda been the family downfall) so Mike took on all of that.

I think that in a way you're making the same point as this, but in a different way:

The thing about a life of crime is that the GOAL should always be to turn the blood money into legit money and that should be the END of it. You don't keep it going like Michael did..like Pablo Escobar did. You get the fukk out when you are rich enough and you have frustrated the Feds enough. That's it. Go the Industrialist route and get the fukk out. It can only end in disaster or death. You can't keep being a WHITE COLLAR criminal and getting away with it with technology increasing and someone always being hungry for what's yours. It doesn't work.

I agree with what @R=G is saying in general for now.

But it wasn't always this way. At one point, the "Life Of Crime" was just that - a lifestyle;
and one that had its place in the ecosystem, at least in the Old World.

(And if that wasn't true, then there wouldn't be an independent guy who was an old but reliable assasin
who would take the job to murk out a foreign Don, like we saw in Part 3.)

...and what we see in these films is the juxtaposition of the idea of that with a time when
"The Life" is beginning to change...especially when the game is played on a different field.

So yeah, Michael had a skill set that was unbecoming to the old way of doing things.
And while it was effective, in my opinion it supports the old saying:
"A new broom can sweep better, but the old broom knows where the dirt is."


Aug 9, 2013
Equal in my eyes. Vito built the family from nothing, which is the hardest. Did it the hard way in a hard time. Can’t forget that he was also an immigrant. Created an empire his most ablest son was able to take and run with.

But what Michael was able to do with the expansion and that serious major attempt at legitimacy through Immobillaire was equally as great.


May 2, 2012
Equal in my eyes. Vito built the family from nothing, which is the hardest. Did it the hard way in a hard time. Can’t forget that he was also an immigrant. Created an empire his most ablest son was able to take and run with.

But what Michael was able to do with the expansion and that serious major attempt at legitimacy through Immobillaire was equally as great.
I wonder if anybody showed up for michaels funeral?

Vito was loved