Didnt read all the pages but this is what It always sounded like happened to me from Interviews and Articles
1. Drake Catches the Attention of JPrince's Son
2. JPrince's son plays music for wayne, he likes, flies Drake to Houston
3. At this point Drake becomes part of "Young Money" which at this Point is not technically even a real Label
4. The Wayne Co-Sign and going on Tour with him Gives Drake alot of Buzz... So Far Gone increases this..
5. Drake wants to Sign to Interscope with YM in a joint venture, with wayne as executive producer but then Finds out Nothing can have the YM Stamp without Cash Money and more importantly Universal Has first Dibbs
6. Universal decides they want Drake, which upsets Drake
7. Rather than cut wayne out and Sign to Either Interscope or Atlantic who were offering him some serious money, he Remains Loyal and Plays ball
8. Signs to Young Money/CashMoney/Universal
Dont know if all that had been said already