Arnold was Michael Jackson level famous in his prime...he' wasnt just some actor having a hot summer, Arnold Schwarzenegger was an event, that's how big he was.
to all you nikkas born in like 96 and beyond, when you notice somebody gasp and look at you like you lost your fukking mind whenever you do these ridiculous hot takes like
" Legendary celebrity ??? is so overated and (insert current trendy celebrity) is so much better

1.) you're speaking on a time you wasnt around to fully understand the magnitude of what was happening and appreciate it
2.) the 80's, and 90's were both decades in which alot of legenderary shyt was being produced all at once, all kinds of precedents were being set, records broke.etc. This was the peak of popular culture as we know it . Almost everything having to do with popular culture during those times felt like an event. Everyone was in their bag during the 80s and 90s with the dial turned to 1000. It was fukkery overload. Sports was super lit, wrestling was omega level lit. Life in general was turned the fukk up back then. A regular day in the hood looked like a block party. So much shyt was going on even on the day to day regular level. Nevermind celebrities
I diverged a bit but I say all that to emphasize how big a big celebrity truly was back then and that a mega star like arnold was god tier in popularity, just as their were god tier megastars in their respective fields; The 3 Mikes for instance (Jackson, Jordan, and Tyson for you slow ass nikkas)
Alot of the popping celebrities now are just nikkas that have a few hot summers, focus on "building their brand", but never really push the line in their respective fields, most people are less prone to take risk in this pussified "So liberal , i'm functionally conservative" ass world.
To get back on point, The rock falls into aforementioned category. Yeah he has flashes of greatness, but for the most part, dude is just slightly different flavors of vanilla with his roles.
he's always the muscular bald guy with a heavily soiled slightly torn t-shirt (to show you he's been through some shyt). Charisma can only get you so far. Dude needs to switch it up and play some villians or more nuanced protagonist with a different look; hair implants have come along way. Dude can get a believeable looking wig piece in these times to at least look different. But most importantly, he needs to pick meatier scripts. He still has alot of potential but he plays it safe with this Battle-hardened Mr Clean persona he refuses to deviate from.
I think alot of it has to do with the era he's in as well