WARNING: Get OFF Facebook NOW! - crazy new technology


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
spying has become a new job market in todays america. tell me im lying

It's actually true. Installing all of these 'security' technologies to 'make us feel safe' is the huge new job area in this day and age. Whether it be from installing security cameras everywhere, traffic cameras, airport scanners, computer monitoring, etc. Now they have drones flying over american cities:

Drones flying over Houston

There was the story of Lower Merion where the school issued laptops to students and when the students took the laptops home, some school officials used remote software to turn on the webcam of the laptop and started taking pictures

The push for RFID chipping is REAL
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=939giuEejnM"]RFID CHIP UNLEASHED ON USA UTAH NEWS!!!!! MAY 29 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

Oh yeah, this little television show will let you know exactly what it is. Check out the newest sitcom on ABC
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEUSk1SyHvc"]666 Park Avenue Series Trailer (ABC) - YouTube[/ame]

great thiing Jesus is always available.
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ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
It's actually true. Installing all of these 'security' technologies to 'make us feel safe' is the huge new job area in this day and age. Whether it be from installing security cameras everywhere, traffic cameras, airport scanners, computer monitoring, etc. Now they have drones flying over american cities:

Drones flying over Houston
Drones Over Houston - YouTube

There was the story of Lower Merion where the school issued laptops to students and when the students took the laptops home, some school officials used remote software to turn on the webcam of the laptop and started taking pictures
Pennsylvania school sued for spying on student at home - YouTube

i live by an airbase. we watch the drones fly up at night all the time. my friend claims crazier shyt happening to him. his girlfriend too. be careful people real talk


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
What's crazy man is if they are releasing information about it, they are already far ahead of that technology now. People think the hologram stuff is fun and games, but it has a more nefarious purpose in 'project bluebeam'.

here is more information about project blue beam. It ties in exactly to that laser to make people hear voices from within.

Project Blue Beam By Serge Monast (1994)

The infamous NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement the new age religion with the Antichrist at its head. We must remember that the new age religion is the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the dictatorship of the new world order is completely impossible. I'll repeat that: Without a universal belief in the new age religion, the success of the new world order will be impossible! That is why the Blue Beam Project is so important to them, but has been so well hidden until now.

Engineered Earthquakes & Hoaxed 'Discoveries'
The first step in the NASA Blue Beam Project concerns the breakdown [re-evaluation] of all archaeological knowledge. It deals with the set-up, with artificially created earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet, of supposedly new discoveries which will finally explain to all people the "error" of all fundamental religious doctrines. The falsification of this information will be used to make all nations believe that their religious doctrines have been misunderstood for centuries and misinterpreted. Psychological preparations for that first step have already been implemented with the film, '2001: A Space Odyssey;' the StarTrek series, and 'Independence Day;' all of which deal with invasions from space and the coming together of all nations to repel the invaders. The last films, 'Jurrassic Park,' deals with the theories of evolution, and claim God's words are lies. http://i.am/jah/evolut.htm

The Big Space Show in the Sky
The second step in the NASA Blue Beam Project involves a gigantic 'space show' with three-dimensional optical holograms and sounds, laser projection of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to predominating regional national religious faith. This new 'god's' voice will be speaking in all languages. In order to understand that, we must study various secret services' research done in the last 25 years. The Soviet's have perfected an advanced computer, even exported them, and fed them with the minute physio-psychological particulars based on their studies of the anatomy and electromechanical composition of the human body, and the studies of the electrical, chemical and biological properties of the human brain. These computers were fed, as well, with the languages of all human cultures and their meanings. The dialects of all cultures have been fed into the computers from satellite transmissions. The Soviets began to feed the computers with objective programs like the ones of the new messiah. It also seems that the Soviets - the new world order people - have resorted to suicidal methods with the human society by allocating electronic wavelengths for every person and every society and culture to induce suicidal thoughts if the person doesn't comply with the dictates of the new world order.


Now, when we talked before about that kind of ray and the telepathic and electronically augmented communication, the kind of rays that are fed from the memories of computers which store massive data about humans, human language and dialects, and we said that the people will be reached from within, making each person to believe that his own god is speaking directly from within his or her own soul, we refer to that kind of technology and that kind of thinking that same psychologist was espousing, that is: we should be trained from birth that we should all do what society wants us to do rather than what we want to do for ourselves; that because they have the technology to do it, no one should now be allowed to have their own individual personality. This statement and these ideas are important because it is the basic teaching of the United Nations that no one owns his or her own personality. And that same psychologist claims that no one has any say-so about the kind of personality they acquire and there is no reason to believe you have the right to refuse to acquire a new personality if your old personality is considered 'antisocial.'

What is important in this declaration is that the new world order will be set up over the current system, meaning the old way of thinking and behavior and religion will be considered the 'old' and incorrect way of thinking and that they can change it at one of the eradication camps of the United Nations to make sure that anyone with this 'antisocial' behavior will be disposed of quickly so that other modified individuals will be able to fulfill the needs and agendas of the new world order without being distracted by the truth.

Mark 13
6 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

7 And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet.

8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.

9 But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.


22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.

24 But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,

25 And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.

26 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.

27 And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.

So my friends, some of you may ridicule and others of you may heed the call, but when you continue to see these signs, you know what is coming... and Jesus is indeed the solution.


ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
What's crazy man is if they are releasing information about it, they are already far ahead of that technology now. People think the hologram stuff is fun and games, but it has a more nefarious purpose in 'project bluebeam'.

here is more information about project blue beam

Project Blue Beam By Serge Monast (1994)

we are 50 years behind. (and if you dont believe that, look up history of engines and all that. we get them 20-30 years after the military)

and as crazy as that shyt sounds, (blue beam) its prolly true
May 4, 2012
I usually put off alarmnist but this scenario eerily reminds me of this clip in this movie

Minority Report Mall Scene - YouTube

Crazy thing about it is for this movie the director Steven Spielberg hired futurists who theorized on what technologies would dominate the world 50 to 100 years from now to make the world in Minority Report seem as close to reality as possible. We're already seeing these technologies in progress.... Automatic controlled cars (Audi) Hologram technology (Pac at Coechella) and now the facial recognition shyt....................:ohhh:

Uhhh, pretty sure Philip K dikk was writing about all of that stuff for years...It's all in the Minority Report short story.
May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada
Orwell >>>>

he wrote nineteen eighty four in 1949

if you havnt read it...

dont speak on the GAWD owrell

his last interview in 1950

HIS FINAL WARNING he was right about the future in 60yrs ago -- scary
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May 2, 2012
My dude. I understand everything that you all are saying, but what I'm saying is:

I'M NOT GONNA LET THAT STOP ME FROM ENJOYING LIFE. That's the only thing you can do.

What's so hard to understand about that concept? If you're really that scared of being on the grid, like I said, take your ass to the jungle, throw your phone away and all that shyt. But you're not. You're just shyt talking. At least I'm keeping it 100 unlike the rest of you dumb fukks and not fronting on the net to get some daps and co-signs.

"Yeah. I deleted my facebook! The government is watching our every move!!!!!! Gotts be careful!!"

*Swipes debit card*
*Gets in car and drives pasts security cameras on the road*
*Makes a phone call*
*Disables alarm in house*
*Hops on the internet*

:stopitslime: Shut y'all dumb asses up or get the fukk out of here and move to a South American jungle, but I'm sure we all know that won't happen right? Cause you're just shyt talkin'. It's cool to be an internet conspiracy theorist :pachaha:

I'll be damned if I don't do any and everything I want to do just cause someone is watching.

you obvisously aint watch the video or read my posts.


If you watched the video you would have seen that people were do as you said "living their life" and they were hit with all types of litigation, causing them to loose money and this is without all the monitoring and everything...smh

but whatever. Im not tryna change your opinion, Im tryna show you a different perspective that you probably didn't consider.

Plus, were not shyt talking...we're discussing a topic. What idle threats did I make?

nevermind...Im done. Its cool homie...do you.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
na son. you wont be saying that when they start hitting you with this

Pentagon report investigated lasers that put voices in your head

this is all real. everything you think could happen has already happened

fbi is hiring secondary companys to spy on us. civilians spying on civilians. as a job. they fukked up my boy

I think you're missing the fact that: I dont care. If there ain't shyt I can do about it, there's no reason for me to be scared of it. Why spend your time worrying about something you can't control?

you obvisously aint watch the video or read my posts.


If you watched the video you would have seen that people were do as you said "living their life" and they were hit with all types of litigation, causing them to loose money and this is without all the monitoring and everything...smh

but whatever. Im not tryna change your opinion, Im tryna show you a different perspective that you probably didn't consider.

Plus, were not shyt talking...we're discussing a topic. What idle threats did I make?

nevermind...Im done. Its cool homie...do you.

Lol. This nikka mad. My posts don't just apply to you. They are general things. If I'm going to be arrested for just "living life" should I stop living? Why are you so intent on having me worried/concerned about something that I cannot control? No one mentioned anything about "idle threats", so wtf are you talking about. I'm not gonna play into the system of fear you're trying to perpetuate out of fear of the government. They got you shook, not me. Get over it. Like I said in the other thread: You all are the type of people who sit behind your computers all day and actively complain and concern yourself with things you have no direct control over, all while have no real impact on the world with the things you can control. You're the equivalent of the Kony 2012 hipster movement.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Here are some excerpts, but you should check out the whole article.
The new totalitarianism of surveillance technology | Naomi Wolf | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

A software engineer in my Facebook community wrote recently about his outrage that when he visited Disneyland, and went on a ride, the theme park offered him the photo of himself and his girlfriend to buy – with his credit card information already linked to it. He noted that he had never entered his name or information into anything at the theme park, or indicated that he wanted a photo, or alerted the humans at the ride to who he and his girlfriend were – so, he said, based on his professional experience, the system had to be using facial recognition technology. He had never signed an agreement allowing them to do so, and he declared that this use was illegal. He also claimed that Disney had recently shared data from facial-recognition technology with the United States military.

Yes, I know: it sounds like a paranoid rant.

Except that it turned out to be true. News21, supported by the Carnegie and Knight foundations, reports that Disney sites are indeed controlled by face-recognition technology, that the military is interested in the technology, and that the face-recognition contractor, Identix, has contracts with the US government – for technology that identifies individuals in a crowd.


Finally, last week, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg joined NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly to unveil a major new police surveillance infrastructure, developed by Microsoft. The Domain Awareness System links existing police databases with live video feeds, including cameras using vehicle license plate recognition software. No mention was made of whether the system plans to use – or already uses – facial recognition software. But, at present, there is no law to prevent US government and law enforcement agencies from building facial recognition databases.

And we know from industry newsletters that the US military, law enforcement, and the department of homeland security are betting heavily on facial recognition technology. As PC World notes, Facebook itself is a market leader in the technology – but military and security agencies are close behind.

According to Homeland Security Newswire, billions of dollars are being invested in the development and manufacture of various biometric technologies capable of detecting and identifying anyone, anywhere in the world – via iris-scanning systems, already in use; foot-scanning technology (really); voice pattern ID software, and so on.

The new totalitarianism of surveillance technology | Naomi Wolf | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk