All Star
curious to see how many of games followers are real. i wanna say a high percentage, only because he actually interacts with them
Google goes through a billion sites to find a word you search for in less time than that.
Completely BS.
You think a website can go through millions of followers in about 6 seconds to determine if their followers are real or fake lol???
IamAkademiks - 23,195 followers.
0% Fake
2% Inactive
98% Good
still a load of BS though.
and btw if yall nyggas want followers all u need is to do 3 things.
1. Follow people who will follow you back. Following 300 celebs when they wont follow u back = fail
2. Tweet content that those ppl wanna see n interact with them. Mostly ppl who care about hip hop follow me.
3. Promote yourself (twitter account) on all platforms. I do on radio, videos, parties, any tme I dj or write somewhere I drop my twitter name.
Worked for me.
But as I said about twitter. You can have 1,000,000 ppl following you but if only 1,000 care what you think its just as good as having 1,000 followers.
Akademiks {{+_+}} (IamAkademiks) on Twitter
And about "Google searches through a billion sites in less time" . . . do yall really think Google does a full search every time you hit search??. Indexes . . .
Its not a load of BS because the same accounts are used all over the place and they also don't make tweets or its the same generic text over and over. It isn't just scanning each account once you put it in. They have a database setup so it is going up against an index.
Why can't Twitter indexAnd about "Google searches through a billion sites in less time" . . . do yall really think Google does a full search every time you hit search??. Indexes . . .
Why can't Twitter index
This shyt is prob running its scans or has some algorithm that helps it come up with the stats through piecemeal data
Simple negros.
Twitter API allows 350 requests per hour of any OAuth calls which that website would be. Which means you could check 350 accounts per hour if its checking it that way which means by pulling each follower up it wouldn't nearly be able to calculate that quickly. Broken down to you guys. Even if you were trying to ask twitter for the followers of a public twitter user account. It would only grant you the numerical id's and names of 350 of them each hour. Can't you possibly forecast that if it didn't have this limit that nyggas would be spamming it constantly and you'd see a permanent blue whale on your screen?
Did I make sense or yall still
Heres a link maybe twitter help pages help yall better. I've developed applications that interacted with twitter thats why I' saying that
And about "Google searches through a billion sites in less time" . . . do yall really think Google does a full search every time you hit search??. Indexes . . .
What is Fake Follower Check?
Fake Follower Check does what it says. It checks your Twitter followers to see if they are real or fake. Or in other words, it checks to see how many spam accounts are following you. And the great thing about it is you can check your friends and 'enemies' too...
Why did you create it?
After reading the Kernel Mag's posts on the subject of fake followers we thought it would be a nice idea to create a tool that allows you to check how many fake followers you and your friends have.
How does it work?
We take a sample of your follower data. Up to 500 records depending on how 'popular' you are and assess them against a number of simple spam criteria.
On a very basic level spam accounts tend to have few or no followers and few or no tweets. But in contrast they tend to follow a lot of other accounts.
How accurate is it?
For those of you with 10,000 followers or less we believe our tool will provide a very accurate insight into how many inactive and fake followers you have.
If you're very 'popular' the tool will still provide good insight but may better reflect your current follower activity rather than your whole follower base.
Why is it important?
There are two reasons. First it's important for you to be sure when you communicate on Twitter that you are communicating with real and active followers. Because the more active your follower base the more likely they are to share your content.
The second reason is there are a growing number of Fakers out there. People who buy followers in a vain attempt to build legitimacy. "Look at me I have 20,000 followers, I must know my..." They are essentially trying to game the system and it's important for you to be able to spot them, and steer clear of them. Because ultimately if you're willing to lie about how many friends you have you are not a very trustworthy individual.
Do you really think there is a full Twitter search when u do this fake follower thing??
There can be an index used as well here too. The same way Twitter can see mutual followers this service prolly can see there is mutual fake followers. Either way if Twitter allows the fake accounts/follows same with the many sites that search followers...(friend or follow) Why wouldnt they allow a service that searches to be possible?
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I dont see why its not possible to search Twitter for fake followers.
As I said, Twitter only allows you to ask its servers for 350 requests from a single program THAT USES OAuth (which that does) per hour. How the f*ck is it asking it for all of justin biebers followers within seconds? Are you saying this program is defying all twitter laws put in place to prevent spamming solely cuz you want it to be true?
Did you read what I said about 350 requests per hour? Twitter and that website has nothing to do with each other. That website is manually doing work ... not retrieving Twitter informatoin which it already has for its own keepings.