im not trolling with this comment, btw. rewatching season 2, yeah, its slow as shyt; but the quality is unmatched. season 1-2 were movie level quality compared to everything else. that episode where t-dawg and lori caught it, pretty much the downfall of the series, imo. season 3 in general was just horrible. if scott gimble were allowed to take over immediately after frank, things may have transitioned a lot smoothershow died when tdawg died
I read somewhere that the main reason they do this is because of budget. Hence the epic city scenes of season 1 never coming back...woods are easier to film cheaply...I blame the atmosphere. It's more intense/interesting being in a large city than the woods. They need to get out of the South and go to DC or NYC.
im not trolling with this comment, btw. rewatching season 2, yeah, its slow as shyt; but the quality is unmatched. season 1-2 were movie level quality compared to everything else. that episode where t-dawg and lori caught it, pretty much the downfall of the series, imo. season 3 in general was just horrible. if scott gimble were allowed to take over immediately after frank, things may have transitioned a lot smoother
- preemptively killing t-dawg and lori
- preemptively killing andrea
- preemptively killing dale
- michonne being a deaf mute muthafukka for a whole season
- a poor introduction to t-dawg
- woodbury
- the prison only having 2 sets
- shifting from thriller/horror to action/adventure
- the finale
Why do I always hear the most about how much TWD sucks from people who can't seem to stop watching or commenting on it?
Why do I always hear the most about how much TWD sucks from people who can't seem to stop watching or commenting on it?