Wait so Soccer can actually end in a tie? :scusthov:


All Star
May 5, 2012
I will never understand why people who don't like a sport will go out of their way to compare it to another sport in an attempt to down play it. It's a completely different sport with different rules, game play, athletes, strategies, etc. It's like me saying a comedy movie was wack because it didn't have enough violence like my favorite crime movies. You either learn to embrace it or get the hell over it. It has billions of fans all over the world so it must be doing something right.

Also someone mentioned why don't they just stop the clock or pause the game when there's an injury. Do you really want to watch more commercials in the middle of a sporting event:usure:

Buggsy Mogues

My spot is solidified if you ask me
May 2, 2012
City of Angels :blessed:
So in the NFL, when teams that have clinched a playoff spot rest all their starters for the last game of the season...are they really trying to win?

ridiculous comparison. This is the World Cup, the "Superbowl" or "Playoffs" of Soccer. So the actual comparison would be, in the playoffs of ANY SPORT could you ever see a scenario where a team purposely doesn't try to win? Where that strategy would ever even be considered for a second?

Buggsy Mogues

My spot is solidified if you ask me
May 2, 2012
City of Angels :blessed:
the point is that games that dont have full meaning should get extended for no reason just to have a winner? Tie = 1 point, Win = 3 points its simple. In the elimination stages theres no ties. Y the fukk would I wanna see a meaningless game like Spain vs Australia go another 30 min if they ended in a tie

:mjlol: dumb ass fukkin arguments to defend a gay ass sport.

No, the simple solution is you do a shootout. Trust me the last thing anyone wants to see is another 30 minutes of these malnourished fakkits running around. Just do a quick shootout and its a wrap. Why people try to defend this tying bullshyt is just beyond me. And "you don't get it, neg, dap/undap" isn't a convincing argument so please come with something stronger.

Fact is, all these "they only tie because it's a pool play game" are bullshyt. Ya'll nikkas talking like these are pre-season games that don't really mean anything. If that's the case when why even call it the WORLD CUP? Get these meaningless games out of the way earlier, and don't call it the World Cup until the games actually mean something. All these points and shyt are exactly why this sport is fukking stupid, because FIFA or whoever has somehow concocted a system where YOU CAN GET POINTS FOR NOT WINNING. There is no advantage to tying in the NFL. I guess in theory the tie is better than the loss, but you certainly don't get any "points" or advantage for tying.


May 16, 2012
:mjlol: dumb ass fukkin arguments to defend a gay ass sport.

No, the simple solution is you do a shootout. Trust me the last thing anyone wants to see is another 30 minutes of these malnourished fakkits running around. Just do a quick shootout and its a wrap. Why people try to defend this tying bullshyt is just beyond me. And "you don't get it, neg, dap/undap" isn't a convincing argument so please come with something stronger.

Fact is, all these "they only tie because it's a pool play game" are bullshyt. Ya'll nikkas talking like these are pre-season games that don't really mean anything. If that's the case when why even call it the WORLD CUP? Get these meaningless games out of the way earlier, and don't call it the World Cup until the games actually mean something. All these points and shyt are exactly why this sport is fukking stupid, because FIFA or whoever has somehow concocted a system where YOU CAN GET POINTS FOR NOT WINNING. There is no advantage to tying in the NFL. I guess in theory the tie is better than the loss, but you certainly don't get any "points" or advantage for tying.

Seems like you answered your own question...."I guess in theory a tie is better than a loss". Yes a tie is better than a loss but obviously not a good as a win. So what's the problem? And u realize there are no ties past the group stages right?
May 1, 2012

fukkin trash ass "sport" if you can even call it that. Before USA scored their 2nd goal the announcers were talmbout if USA should "risk" trying to score again, or just "settle" for the tie and the points.

Say what?? :dwillhuh:

Any sport where there is ever any goal (no pun intended) other than winning at all costs can :camby: to the :trash: These announcers were honestly sitting there on some "should they even bother trying to win the game?"

What a stupid fukkin sport. Soccer is boring enough to watch when these dudes are actually TRYING, how bad must it be to watch when they are actively trying NOT to score and just play keepaway? Why is this sport allowed to end without a winner? That's not a sport, that's not an athletic competition. The whole point of an athletic game/competition is two people or teams do battle and one must be victorious.

But in soccer, these nikkas can run around for an hour and a half and... nobody wins?


literally billions of people follow soccer worldwide....it is the biggest sport in the entire world....

but nikkas on the coli say its trash....