I read 9 pages so far. She signed to be the face of the divas with no wrestling training or intentions to wrestle but was made to do it and sustained injuries and concussions, she even asked to be trained but was turned down from going to OVW because they needed capitolize on her initial popularity. She also wasn't allowed to be taught on her own time because her being an independent contractor going to non wwe people to train was also a problem.
There was also this sketchy ass shyt
The actual rape
man, they were super cavalier about rape not that long ago, Gary Hart comes in the room finding her nude with two suspicious people who may or may not have even been a doctor or affiliated with the military and he just lets them run away. He just tucks her in her hotel room and everyone keeps going because the show must go on. Man, these carnies live in their own world.
Personally, my opinion on Vince couldn't possibly go any lower so this just goes on the pile. It's like hearing about Pablo Escobar having his thugs cut a baby out his mistress stomach after already knowing him to be a narco-terrorist. True story btw.
There was also this sketchy ass shyt
Upon winning the competition, I was informed that I could choose to accept the $250,000 prize money, and rather than work for WWE as a wrestler, serve as the “face” of the women’s division. I accepted this offer. It was my understanding that I would receive the full $250,000 and would not be required to wrestle but would work for WWE in a spokesmodel capacity for one year. I was given a contract by John Laurinaitis, which I no longer have a copy of, and signed it. After I signed the contract, Vince McMahon insisted that I had been “represented” by an individual named “Rich” in Marina Del Ray, CA, and tried to force me to pay him 20% of the $250,000. This individual had never represented me so I refused – which almost resulted in me losing my contract. This was my introduction to the coercive and unscrupulous tactics employed by the WWE to take advantage of its performers.
Then, after we had arrived in Kuwait, I began to suffer from menstrual cramps. I had asked to rest in the Humvee, which was air-conditioned during a break, and the US Army soldiers insisted I was suffering from dehydration, notified Gary, and insisted on taking me to a nearby military base in Kuwait. I was told at the base that I needed an IV for dehydration. I protested but they insisted that I needed it and it was very common due to the hot weather. When I arrived at the sickbay, an IV was placed in my arm almost immediately. After sitting with the IV in my arm for what felt like hours, Jimmy Hart came to check up on me and make sure I was ok. I told him I was fine but that they wouldn’t let me leave because they said I had to wait to see a doctor. Jimmy said he and the rest of the group were going to get lunch and left. Another couple of hours went by and then a man appeared in the sickbay, dressed in an orange t-shirt and cargo shorts, and I had heard others comment that it was his birthday. He represented himself as a US Army doctor but I observed that all the other doctors at the facility had been wearing scrubs so I do not know whether this was true. He was with a woman who was dressed in full military fatigues. While I was still in the sickbay, he approached me and almost immediately administered an IV of an unknown substance in my other arm. Almost 6 immediately after, the alleged doctor and the woman in fatigues moved me into a room that did not appear to be a treatment room and placed me on a table. The woman guarded the door while the man proceeded to inject me with a drug that caused me to be unable to move my body or to scream. The man then proceeded to violently rape and sodomize me. I was completely helpless to defend myself against this attack as the drug he injected rendered me temporarily paralyzed. Despite being unable to control my movements, I remained fully conscious for every second of the attack. I felt excruciating pain as a result of this man penetrating me by force and against my will, in a violent and aggressive manner, while I was completely defenseless. Each second that went by was excruciating and I have never felt more helpless or been more terrified in my entire life. The experience was a living nightmare. I don’t know exactly how long this went on for but if felt like an eternity. The suffering I endured far surpassed all the injuries I had ever suffered in the ring put together; I was experiencing not only severe physical pain but severe emotional and psychological trauma. I have always considered myself to be a fighter and survivor so I can’t even find the words to describe what it felt like to be thrown on a table and stripped and then brutalized in the worst possible way that one human being is capable of brutalizing another - all while being unable to move or speak. In addition to the pain and terror, I felt almost dehumanized, and was extremely disturbed by the feeling that I was somehow given to this man as some type of sick birthday present, and it also made me sick that the female soldier willingly guarded the door for him while he raped me without blinking an eye.
The actual rape

Dr. Rios then informed Vince, who informed Kevin Dunn, John Laurinaitis, and several other company executives or lawyers that I had never even met but were all present at a meeting that I was called into shortly after. Vince led the meeting with these men and asked me to recount what happened in Kuwait. Then he said it was not in the best interest of the WWE for me to make the information about my attack public. I was still completely traumatized at that point and I just agreed. It was clear that there had already been a conversation and that they had reached a decision on their own prior to consulting with me as this was not a debate but rather Vince instructing me to keep this confidential. Vince did at least apologize for what I went through, but then stressed that if I disclosed this incident it would ruin the relationship between the WWE and the US Military. He told me not to let one bad experience ruin the good work they were doing. His lack of sensitivity in referring to my ordeal as “one bad experience” left me speechless.
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