God Emperor of SOHH
lol.... Nigeria doesnt import most of its gasoline...... the reason why gasoline was being imported was that the it was cheaper for the oil barons to import rather than refine locally because they were receiving a big subsidy from the government .......people were making millions of dollars a week from the scam
apparently you are in some kind of denial
Though Nigeria is a major oil exporter, it imports most of its gasoline, and when fuel subsidies were lifted in January 2012, fuel increased from roughly $1.70 per gallon to $3.50.
aside from the corruption im suggesting nigeria doesnt have have the capacity to refine fuel because of the low number of educated oil engineers
To say education is not accessible in Nigeria is false and stupid...... there are schools everywhere but unlike in the west attending school is not compulsory so for a myriad of reasons people do not get educated....

that is what i just said, people arent being educated
in other words the education system does not function
higher education in nigeria is as accessible as it is in america every state has at least two universities so I dont know where you got that nonsense from.......the biggest barrier to higher education is financial as there are no student loans

lol @ you making up excuses for everything, making excuses for something doesnt disprove my point
my point is that the education system or lack of education is the fundamental problem, apparently you think its a side issue
you think resources will make nigeria wealthy, and you dont get that nigeria wont be wealthy until the education system works