Despair is another factor
I agree, question is: at what point did Africans in Africa lose hope?
Despair is another factor
I wonder what made Africans in Africa so complacent with having so little all while the very land they live on makes Europeans and Asians extremely wealthy.
is it because Africans are inferior?
African people are very intelligent,hard working, and resourceful people. I read statistic that native Africans are among the most educated in the U.S. Africans and AA's just have an inferior way of thinking about themselves and the world around them. We are entitled to greatness in this world just as much as our Asian and European counterparts.
I wonder what made Africans in Africa so complacent with having so little all while the very land they live on makes Europeans and Asians extremely wealthy.
is it because Africans are inferior?
i dont think its complacency, its simply lack of knowledge, you need vast amounts of knowledge and tons of educated people to transform a piece of land into wealth
i was reading somewhere where half the people in nigeria can't read......i think that is where you start, im sure people are working on it but until you fix that nigeria isnt going anywhere
if AA's and Africans have an inferior way of thinking about themselves then are they really as deserving of the greatness that they're entitled to as the Europeans or Asians?
I believe so. I think every living thing is entitled to reach their full potential. And the inferiority complex that is prominent among African people's only hurts themselves ultimately. Whether we are are entitled to reach greatness isn't under anyone's determination but ourselves.
Well, what's keeping people from getting knowledge?
If Africans have been perpetually living in this conditions for this long, doesn't it imply that something might be wrong with the Africans?
Europeans sure didn't have any inferiority complexes when they came in and set up shop.
When did Africans living in Africa on African soil discover that they were inferior, and inferior to whom?
i dont think its complacency, its simply lack of knowledge, you need vast amounts of knowledge and tons of educated people to transform a piece of land into wealth
i was reading somewhere where half the people in nigeria can't read......i think that is where you start, im sure people are working on it but until you fix that nigeria isnt going anywhere
you pose an interesting question. I'm not one to use the past as a crutch but I can say that much of Africa wasn't always in dire poverty as it is now. There were successful African kingdoms, where there were scholars,priests,kings,queens and just average everyday citizens. So there were functioning civilizations in the past. History tells us this. I'm not saying things were perfect. You still had tribal warfare, drought, chattel slavery,etc.
Much of Africa condition now is due to it's failure to keep up with a modern world that is advancing exponentially. The inferior mindset accredited to many things. Global white supremacy hasn't helped. In many third world countries (not just in Africa) many people attribute white with wealth and power. Very rarely do they get the opportunity to see people who look like them in powerful and controlling positions. And if they do there is always someone white backing them. This play a significant role in the inferiority complex. And it leaves many feeling not only hopeless but dependent. This is why strong leadership is essential. And for the most part leaders within Africa and AA community have failed to invoke the radical shift in thought that we so desperately need.
Nigeria has a space program , they send and operate their own satellites........If you feel that these countries arent wealthy then you dont know what you are talking about, If you were to say a lot of them are not run properly then I agree....but what country is
there are 58 countries in Africa..... to just rely on western journalism and propaganda for your information is sloppy
so If Africans have an inferior mindset can you please explain to me why no black American owns a bank, oil company, airline but black Africans own all these things.... so if Africans have an inferior mindset does that mean African Americans are more inferior?