i read the chinese are over there raping them worse than the cacs have. it really just goes to show how people from africa really are though. nobody with roots from there likes to admit it but its just the continent is fukked and the people just dont have it in them to get to the next level. they literally never are its all a blame game its just different over there than everyone else its been like this since man first started and its like that today in the best time the world has ever seen.
i read the chinese are over there raping them worse than the cacs have. it really just goes to show how people from africa really are though. nobody with roots from there likes to admit it but its just the continent is fukked and the people just dont have it in them to get to the next level. they literally never are its all a blame game its just different over there than everyone else its been like this since man first started and its like that today in the best time the world has ever seen.
Most Africans couldn't care less about becoming economically independent. Corruption runs rampant throughout the continent and very few have the courage to confront it. They much whether move to the west and never look back.
Africa, nonetheless, is geographically blessed. Indeed, along with the wealth of resources, there is so much natural beauty in that place--rainforests, savannahs, beaches, waterfalls, deserts, mountains, etc. Not to mention the abundance/diversity of vegetation, animals, and fertile land.
Divine Providence has gloriously blessed that continent. I just wish that the people would start to realize that.
Developing human capital is very important--for example, Africa needs engineers, scientists, & a skilled workforce in order to take advantage of its vast resources
That's why I encourage my young cousins to study the STEM fields. We need more black (African & AA) professionals
Africa is in it's current state due to docility and slothfulness?
I learn something new everyday.
More like despair and complacency
yep, the notion that africa will get rich from selling its resources is ridiculous, africa needs to develop manufactured goods with its resources and then sell the manufactured goods, and you need human capital to do that
I wonder what made Africans in Africa so complacent with having so little all while the very land they live on makes Europeans and Asians extremely wealthy.
is it because Africans are inferior?