Atsym Sknyfs
Never looked at it as being arrogant or cocky. I thought he made templates with the artist in mind to measure interest. For example, a Soul/Funk feel would be presented to an artist who mainly does Soul/Funk, Rock feel to a Rock artist, etc.
A producer wouldn't know what an artist wants until they've spoken; it wasn't like MJ told him he wanted grimy beats like NORE beforehand. The beats/songs were already made when he initially spoke to MJ. We also have no clue if Pharrell refused MJ's request or not.
Same with Lupe and Earl, he made something similar to what they've already done. The difference is he actually worked with them in person, so he was able to get their feedback and make the appropriate changes. Speaking of Lupe, I wish someone would've asked about Child Rebel Soldier.
he shouldve approached it like Timberland did Jay in fade to black black album beats... you could have some you tailored for said artist but you can also play some stuff you working on with nobody in mind.