All Star
Sub continentals...Indians are asian.

Sub continentals...Indians are asian.
Supposed to be a lesbianI see Mindy Kaling is in it so you know that Velma will EXCLUSIVELY be fukking white dudes.
Nope.they shoulda just created a new cartoon than rehash Scooby-Doo on this unfunny new age bullshyt.
Nobody was trying to fukk Velma, just like nobody was trying to fukk Snow White. She was the nerdy smart girl, and Daphne was the cute one.
Velma was the one you smash, but don’t tell anyone, and when you see her in public, say what’s up, and keep it moving.
quitin playing breh
Naw you trippin trippin
Johnny Bravo stayed wanting that p*ssy
Nah Velma >>>> Daphne
Not true fam. I see way more sexy Velma cosplays than Daffney.
This is the exact image I was referring to, not the glammed up Velmas y’all are posting in this thread.I've busted many nuts to Velma porn. Never Daphne.
it be the girls like that always rocking big ass sweaters who got some HEAT underneath...This is the exact image I was referring to, not the glammed up Velmas y’all are posting in this thread.