the US taxpayer is manipulated by the zionists israeli and american on wall street and the media to do so..
they profit from terrorism.
What are the Zionists interests in Egypt, the Balkans, Somalia, Pakistan?
the US taxpayer is manipulated by the zionists israeli and american on wall street and the media to do so..
they profit from terrorism.
a stable muslim nation makes zionist israel uncomfortable. that's why even after the muslim brotherhood won the election more than fairly after mubarak, the secret zionist organizations mossad and the cia worked overtime to overthrow it.What are the Zionists interests in Egypt, the Balkans, Somalia, Pakistan?
a stable muslim nation makes zionist israel uncomfortable. that's why even after the muslim brotherhood won the election more than fairly after mubarak, the secret zionist organizations mossad and the cia worked overtime to overthrow it.
I don't know what the fuq the balkans is but ill get to it if I have time.
somalia and pakistan are playgrounds for the zionist military complex to justify their "defense" budgets..
it isn't in Israel's interest to have any of her neighbors in peace. they infact fund distabilation in all countries around her.Don't you think a Zionist would want peace in Egypt and not stir up a new generation of radicals? With a peaceful Egypt, they can help their brethren in the Gaza Strip and alleviate the pressures of Gaza on Israel. Riling up the extremists in Egypt is in the opposite interest of the Israeli state.
Balkans = Kosovo, Czech region. No Jews here. Sorry breh
Somalia and Pakistan are AMERICAN military complex playgrounds. The Israelis are just American allies so naturally they will back the US in building playgrounds![]()
it isn't in Israel's interest to have any of her neighbors in peace. they infact fund distabilation in all countries around her.
then run to america and cry terrorism and funding.
the country is full of clueless christians like hukabee and mccain who will bang for isreal. jewish zionists ex cia agents on the left like john kerry will do it too without thinking. aipac owns democrats and republicans...
some christians think they run the jews and think israel is just some little country in the middle east but that just adds to how christians aren't smarts and they got something coming their way.Huckabee and his kind only care about Israel for its Christian holy lands. The enemy of my enemy is my friend type of deal where Jews are the enemy of Islam therefore Christians are friends with the Jews. The bible thumpers don't want it with all of Islam so they let the Jews take care of their dirty work. These people have no interest in Jews other than to use them against Muslims. When the time comes and "doomsday" occurs, the Jews will be thrown to the side so these Evangelicals can reclaim their holy land.
I'll be in russia with snowden and putin being fed grapes by some russian hoes laughing at these dead niccas..
hell no. I'll be putin's advisor and no more jews cause y'all are the zionist shills. Y'all be in israel performing homosexual liberal illuminati rituals with barack. barak will finally come out as an illuminati agent before that.Thats cool. I'll come back to the motherland and get fed grapes by some dope girls with ya.
hell no. I'll be putin's advisor and no more jews cause y'all are the zionist shills. Y'all be in israel performing homosexual liberal illuminati rituals with barack. barak will finally come out as an illuminati agent before that.
we'll be in russia with duck dynasty pastor banging young russians..
@ OP are the Zionists interests in Egypt, the Balkans, Somalia, Pakistan?
@Kritic but I thought the Jews were the biggest threat to everything in this world
But on a serious note, its a double edged sword for the US. Everyone looks to us for protection and we are kind of the world police but at the same time protecting one side will always infuriate the other side leading to turmoil down the road. Its a no-win situation.
Everybody does NOT look to the US for protection. I would have to guess that you live in the USA. Most people realize that US policies are totally hypocritical, unjust and very often illegal.