US Sponsored “Color Revolution” Struggles in Hong Kong. UPDATE: US Target Xinjiang


May 11, 2012
As a person who works in mainland china from time to time and travels to hong kong at times.

The shyt is night and day. In mainland china folks are literally scared to say shyt open about the government.

I will never forget when I first went there for business. We are at a table and a american dude was saying stuff about the chinese government. All the chinese people I worked with at the table got scared and tried to change the conversation. Cause they knew if someone overheard them it is nothing for someone to tell and they could get in trouble. Maybe you are sent a warning in the mail or a cop comes and visits you or you could lose your job cause the government leaned on your boss to fire you.

I knew shyt was real when I first watched tv there and when they would block out entire segments of live cable news shows because they said some disparaging remarks about china.

The shyt is real as hell over there. We as americans take that shyt for a joke but its not.

I have mentioned on here how folks in china don't even trust their government, but they make sure to not say that shyt in public.

The crazy thing is I have worked and traveled to other countries and folks talk about their government like shyt without fear. But in mainland china its a whole different ball game.
Yeah it's like in america where I live when people cant talk about politics abortion or anything divisive, especially at work. I mean theres whole tv channels that will distort, lie, and bend the truth to fit their narrative. shyt is real here and it's not a joke. Crazy times.


May 11, 2012
@Originalman Chinese way of rule wouldn’t work for everyone but there is something to be said about maintaining order over close 2 billion people.

I strongly feel that China would have failed to become the economic miracle it is now for if they had followed African countries footsteps in adopting a democracy that didn’t make sense for their population/culture/etc...

And no I don’t condone everything that Chinese government does, but they know their people.
It seems to me that its not so much about government or human rights that Americans dislike, it's more the fact that china is coming for that number one spot. Like the prime minister of Singapore who made it into the country it is today said, doesn't matter the system of government as along ad it helps people.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

Hong Kong: US Flags-Wielding Protesters Occupy Airport, Assault Chinese Journalist

'I Love My Country': Jackie Chan Vows to Defend China Flag amid Hong Kong Protests

"I feel the pride of being a Chinese everywhere, the five starred red flag is respected worldwide...Hong Kong is my birthplace and my hometown. China is my country. I love my country, I love my hometown.”

Martial arts star Jackie Chan, a Hong Kong native, has vowed to defend China’s national flag against opposition protesters. His recent declaration on social media site Weibo, and during a TV interview on Tuesday, has become a trending topic on social media in the mainland.

Jackie Chan says he spoke out due to an incident in early August, whereby Hong Kong protesters in Victoria Habour ripped down the Chinese flag and threw it into the sea. In response, Chinese state media outlet CCTV organized a campaign on social media app Weibo, called ‘The Five-Star red flag has 1.4 billion guards’, in reference to the size of the country’s population.
Chan has endorsed the campaign saying to CCTV “I want to express the most basic patriotic emotion as a Hong Kong community member, as a Chinese and as a national flag guard.”

He hit out at opposition protesters who reject their Chinese identity, saying “I’ve visited many countries while our country was rapidly developing in recent years, I feel the pride of being a Chinese everywhere, the five starred red flag is respected worldwide...Hong Kong is my birthplace and my hometown. China is my country. I love my country, I love my hometown.”

Appealing for peace in Hong Kong he pleaded “safety, stability and peace are like fresh air. You never know how precious it is until you lose it...I really hope Hong Kong can return to peace soon.”

Opposition protests are raging in Hong Kong, protesters reject their local authorities who they say are too close to Beijing. On Tuesday, the protesters occupied Hong Kong’s International Airport, U.S. flags were flown inside the building by demonstrators.

Anti-Chinese sentiment has also been prominent among Hong Kong protesters. At the occupation on Tuesday, a masked groupattacked a Chinese journalist working for the Global Times. The reporter Fu Guohao was tied up, beaten and had lasers pointed into his eyes, before being taken away in an ambulance.
'I Love My Country': Jackie Chan Vows to Defend China Flag amid Hong Kong Protests|News|teleSUR
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Pirius Black

Jan 25, 2017
This is such a western, eurocentric mode of thinking when it comes to revolutions worldwide. Everything isn't about America and to think that people can't have any agency unless white puppet masters are manipulating them is white, tankie, leftist thinking. nikkas really love jocking authoritarianism under the guise of anti-imperialism. A fukking Global Research article, might as well post Zero Hedge.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
This is such a western, eurocentric mode of thinking when it comes to revolutions worldwide. Everything isn't about America and to think that people can't have any agency unless white puppet masters are manipulating them is white, tankie, leftist thinking. nikkas really love jocking authoritarianism under the guise of anti-imperialism. A fukking Global Research article, might as well post Zero Hedge.
When everything fails say its the russians.....

Shut yo dumbass up you clearly didnt read the article

Pirius Black

Jan 25, 2017
When everything fails say its the russians.....

Shut yo dumbass up you clearly didnt read the article
Make me smart dumb nikka. Who fukk mentioned the goddamn Russians? You so used to jocking authoritarian dikk that you got your talking points mixed up. Sometimes, and I know this is hard for you to grasp since you think the CIA is some kind magical organization that can make revolutions appear at the drop of a hat, sometimes, things happen independently of what America wants or does. Maybe the people in Hong Kong, free of western interference, have decided that the mainland has encroached enough on what little freedom the Island had with the extradition treaty.
Maybe, just maybe, these people have decided to take to the streets of their own free will. But for you to believe that, you'd have to let go the simplistic mode of thought developed by edgy white socialists who think that other non whites can't possibly want to resist authoritarians without that dreaded CIA boogeyman lurking in the shadows.


Dec 22, 2014
Hong Kong is a great place. But they got it twisted. China is their daddy and they gonna have to kiss the ring.
can't change the will of the people. Thats how nations get their freedom. If the citizens are willing to die and burn their homes to the ground then there is nothing you can do about it.


May 15, 2014
Yeah it's like in america where I live when people cant talk about politics abortion or anything divisive, especially at work. I mean theres whole tv channels that will distort, lie, and bend the truth to fit their narrative. shyt is real here and it's not a joke. Crazy times.

:mjlol: ok dude . I have literally worked in corporate america well over a decade. I have never seen folks fearful at work to talk politics. So fearful they thought a person would call the government on them and they could be fined, taken away or family possibly harmed by government folks.

shyt I have literally went to american suppliers who have cursed Trump because he is fukking up their business in terms of trade wars.

None of this shyt would ever goes down in mainland china...none of it. Because those people know that they could be harmed by the government for talking like this out in the open.

I also have coworkers in china who have given me money on the sly to bring them baby food from america because they don't trust the baby food in their country (china has had countless situations where baby food has been contaminated and killed hundreds of babies). They don't criticize the government in public when they give me the money to get them baby food.

Trust america aint perfect but the control their government has over their people compared to the US is night and day.


May 15, 2014
Hong Kong is a great place. But they got it twisted. China is their daddy and they gonna have to kiss the ring.

They have no choice because britian gave them up. They got 28 years to dooms day. The thing is with China compared to other countries in places such as the US and Europe they do not care about bad PR.

You can't shame them like the civil rights did with america and its image overseas. China does not give a fukk about its PR. You can't shame their government into doing shyt. They do not care how they are viewed around the world. Nor will they bend and try to appease due to public pressure.

See unlike european countries and the US. The companies in china don't make the rules their government does. So that is the main reason you can't boycott them or shame them to act right or have the illusion of acting right.

Also because they are a totalitarian government protesting is a no no so laws and rules can never change. You don't get the civil unrest to push politicians to make change.

China is just a place you have to see and stay their awhile to see how unique it is.
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May 15, 2014
@Originalman Chinese way of rule wouldn’t work for everyone but there is something to be said about maintaining order over close 2 billion people.

I strongly feel that China would have failed to become the economic miracle it is now for if they had followed African countries footsteps in adopting a democracy that didn’t make sense for their population/culture/etc...

And no I don’t condone everything that Chinese government does, but they know their people.

Reason why China became the economic miracle we see today can literally be traced to america/nixon cutting a deal with china in the early 70s. The US in fear of russia growing along with china and russia falling out after Stalin's death.

After the Nixon deal China became open to US and European investors (which is a reason why every major US and European company *non DoD* is in china). The agreement was that the foreign investors could come as long as china had the right to all their technology. Which is the main reason American and Western DoD companies are not in china.

The agreement that china could gain access to copy foreign technology, the population size and their cheap labor rates is the main reason they became a economical power.

But I agree with some of your premise the china rule has something to do with it. One of the first things you notice when you arrive in china is how clean the ground is but how filthy the air quality is. You will literally not see the sun, stars or moon...only their outline. That is how dirty the air is. Without a doubt the worst air quality I have ever seen in all my years of traveling the world.

But because china had very loose environmental rules companies are free to dump toxins in the air and in the water. (Which is one of the reasons folks are encouraged not to drink water out the faucet there). This allows companies to mass produce without any environmental regulations...end results less or no red tape to slow down production.


May 15, 2014
@Originalman Chinese way of rule wouldn’t work for everyone but there is something to be said about maintaining order over close 2 billion people.

I strongly feel that China would have failed to become the economic miracle it is now for if they had followed African countries footsteps in adopting a democracy that didn’t make sense for their population/culture/etc...

And no I don’t condone everything that Chinese government does, but they know their people.

Also many have theorized that the reason for china having a iron hand type of government when it comes to controlling its people is because once it became socialist they had multiple things to address. To the east they had Japan who had always been aggressive to them.

They have folks that they kicked out who formed taiwan, they had the US who was capitalist, they shared a border with Russia who they have had a on and off relationship with, they border India, they have the folks in Tibet that they have never been able to fully control, had vietnam (who they fought with and against during the 70s) and not being able to control the mostly muslim population in Xinjiang.

Also Tibet and Xinjiang make up huge parts of china.

Lastly China has immense xenophobia yet their country is very diverse if you take the western part of the country.

So they have all these outside forces that they have to perform checks and balances on along with their own population.
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Apr 30, 2012

I'm confused, this tweet is claiming that the opposition is being funded by a right wing US org, thus the concerns of protesters are fake/overblown?

even though this concern has been around ever since Britain left, thus the existence of the expiring self-governance agreement

As a person who works in mainland china from time to time and travels to hong kong at times.

The shyt is night and day. In mainland china folks are literally scared to say shyt open about the government.

I will never forget when I first went there for business. We are at a table and a american dude was saying stuff about the chinese government. All the chinese people I worked with at the table got scared and tried to change the conversation. Cause they knew if someone overheard them it is nothing for someone to tell and they could get in trouble. Maybe you are sent a warning in the mail or a cop comes and visits you or you could lose your job cause the government leaned on your boss to fire you.

I knew shyt was real when I first watched tv there and when they would block out entire segments of live cable news shows because they said some disparaging remarks about china.

The shyt is real as hell over there. We as americans take that shyt for a joke but its not.

I have mentioned on here how folks in china don't even trust their government, but they make sure to not say that shyt in public.

The crazy thing is I have worked and traveled to other countries and folks talk about their government like shyt without fear. But in mainland china its a whole different ball game.
shyt is real out here. But folks like dapfishing doing the anti-US citizen gimmick, while not realizing the luxury of being able to do it without worrying of consequences


May 15, 2014
shyt is real out here. But folks like dapfishing doing the anti-US citizen gimmick, while not realizing the luxury of being able to do it without worrying of consequences

Breh I like to fair with this shyt straight down the middle if I am able to. I am not gonna dump on china to prop up the US or vice versa.

People just don't have the same freedoms there in mainland china as we do here in the states. Thats doesn't mean china is a bad place. I enjoy my time their all the time. Hell the place more westernized than places like India....hell I could relate more in china than I could in india or the middle east.

Now could america be propping up protesters? I wouldn't doubt it at all. I would put money on it.

At the same time we all know china fukks with the US and other countries as well. Hell years ago I worked with one of the largest DoD companies in america. We had a security breach by a hacker who stole hundreds of documents.

You know where they traced that hacker from? China....which is the reason if you go to china and work in DoD. By rule you are suppose to take a special laptop (not your work laptop) with you that contains no sensitive information.

shyt even if you travel to china do you know that the bank card and credit card companies flag your card? Once its used they block the card and you can't use it until you call the bank and tell them you are in china and authorized the charges. Not only that you can't call the bank before hand and ask them to wave the flagging because you are going to china...the bank won't allow it. Thats how bad hacking is there.