US intelligence says Putin honestly believes he's winning

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
From all accounts he's a very intelligent man who knows that body bags of young Russians are flying home in body bags in dumb rates.

His generals as disappearing, senior security people are disappearing. They miscalculated the strength and determination of the Ukrainans, also miscalculated the support from US/EU with regards to 2014.

I mean, "winning" at what cost? They've already given up on most parts except the eastern parts which are basically half Russian.
All they are doing is killing and butchering women and children, how is that winning?

Say they get that small part of the east, did they win? Lost what, 20, 30k young men, EU/US/JP-friendship, global Russian hate, Russian companies banned unless they sell things we need and billions of dollars in equipment for a small piece of land, which will become worthless if all the Ukrainians leave..? You are pushing neutral countries in to NATO, when your whole thing was for NATO not to expand.

At best , if Putin gets the W, it will be a pyrrhic victory. Russia took too many L for them to recover.

Problematic Pat

Dec 27, 2017
His actions support regime change and dismemberment, not "stopping NATO expansion" or other hokum. If anything, NATOs existence has been fully justified by this invasion, and more states are petitioning to join the alliance. Russia cannot stand for anyone straying from its sphere of influence. Just look what they did to other former soviet states.
Regime change would have been carpet bombing Keiv until Zelensky was longer heard from again.
You also ignore the entire history of NATO expansion and act like the Invasion was some unjust action.
Those other states are looking into and debating whether to join or not. They aren't beating down NATOs door begging for admission.

Lmao real nikka :dead:

they banned me from the ukraine thread and we aren’t allowed to have an alternate thread. Does that sound like these guys are confident that the Ukranians are winning? The Russians are flattening them and evacuating civilians while the ukranian nazis use human shields. Even according to them they have Civilians in Azovstal industrial plant. How did they get there?

These fakkits live and die off what MSM feeds them. I posted pro Ukraine outlets to show even they can't deny and spin the reality of what's really happening on the ground.


Retired from TheColi
Nov 21, 2016
Because there are open nazis in all European and western forces (Russias Wagner group is led by one) so the quotations are made to allude to that term being such a false justification. All these cac militaries are full of nazis.

Can't argue with that.


May 1, 2012
That was never the objective. A speech was given by Putin himself describing the intention of the military operation and he never once mentioned capturing the capital or taking over the country.
DeNazify and DeMilitarize Ukraine, protect its citizens in Donbas and eliminate NATO threats inside Ukraine which is what has been happening. Mariupol Azov stronghold has been liberated and remaining Nazis are surrounded in a steel factory with no food or ammunition being waited out. Putin told his troops not to even storm as planned after surrender deadline passed but to let them surrender when they are ready in defeat. Russia has actually been showing a lot of restraint by issuing all these surrender deadlines instead of just liquidating every last one of them. The whole blood thirsty genocidal Russia narrative is falling on its face.

Donbas is currently being defended by DPR while Russian army bombs Ukraine military targets within it.
Luhansk region is in majority control by Russia.
Russia controls Ukraines access to the Black sea.
Military aid being sent to Ukraine can't be verified what is happening to it. Is it getting there? Getting taken or destroyed by Russia?

Now how are they losing again??:patrice:

It's almost over for them Nazis :blessed:


Adeptus Astartes

Loyal servant of the God-Brehmperor
Sep 15, 2019
Imperium of Man
Regime change would have been carpet bombing Keiv until Zelensky was longer heard from again.
You also ignore the entire history of NATO expansion and act like the Invasion was some unjust action.
Those other states are looking into and debating whether to join or not. They aren't beating down NATOs door begging for admission.
What? :dahell: You do regime change so you can keep the the country in one piece. Carpet bombing would achieve the opposite effect.

"NATO expansion" is pure Putinist rhetoric. Former Soviet states willingly joined the alliance, mainly due to the fact that Russia has been trying to reclaim them for decades. Putin feels like he is entitled to neutral "buffer states". He has no respect for these nation's sovereignty.

These states weren't looking into joining nearly as urgently bore the invasion as they are now, and Putin is actively threatening them, too.
Stan Putin, brehs. :snoop:

Spiritual Stratocaster

Jesus is KING
Aug 14, 2014
You are basically describing what happen to America in Vietnam and it took them 10 years to tap out. No different than Korea too. And we aren't even a year removed from the US running out of Afghanistan after two decades. And let's not talk about Cuba. Last real win they had was WW2.

By all US metrics, Russia is winning after two months while the US is filling the pockets of Ukrian oligarchs. American propaganda is cool in theory but it doesn't measure up to its own history.
We get it America ain't shyt either...doesn't take away that Russia. Isn't really winning shyt.

They couldn't take the capital which was their initial plan.


la force de l'avenir
Apr 2, 2017
Those are all good questions bro. Do those groups really love America? What do we define as "love"? Lets talk about it this is actually a high level discussion. Do any of those nations volunteer their peoples to die for America immediately after Americans involvement? Chechens are actually on the front line in Mariupol and Russia with a thousand troops brought the ENTIRE Syria under control. They obliterated ISIS themselves. Then they ran out the Al Qaeda militants. The Russians did that very recently. Vietnamese and Koreans suffered immensely at the hands of America along with Afghans. The Vietnamese lost millions fighting American aggression. They only recently normalized relations with the U.S. dividing the people as north or south is pretty futile considering the North won the war despite criminally overwhelming odds.

All those groups, like me, love Americans. I love all you Americans, especially African Americans. They have the best culture in the world. America is a land of a million opinions and so its easy to disassociate the government from the people and culture. With Russia, they came to Syria and cleaned up a mess that America and the west started. They restored order to that lawless ISIS ridden nation. This is an indisputable fact. With Chechnya, they went to war twice. Once was a brutal war of annihilation the other was a joint effort to remove, according to them, ISIS-like militants funded by the west. Now in Chechnya Putin is regarded as a hero. These are two staunchly Muslim and conservative nations who revere a orthodox Christian nation. How is that not a mark of huge credibility?
You going real hard for Putin. Too hard.