John Reena
Bruh, u realize how ill prepared we are as a nation if an unconventional enemy decides to attack like tha “Shadows”?! We’d get slaughtered
Why was the husband so weak???![]()
These analysis are great. Keep em coming!
that still doesn't address my argument of the hours days immediately after she was taken below, unless i'm to believe she went insane in less than a couple months or so, the flashbacks show her free & and, supposedly, of sound mind dancing in the subway as a kid, thus she could've gone back up the escalator. yes, she went insane over a lifetime of living down there, but the couple months after? it's plausible, but also not...but like i already said, i'm not going to keep dissecting it, but it's a gap that's obviously there to me
I feel u on...The family bs'n on killin their dopplegangers. Thats where the movie lost most of its suspense w/ me. I kinda knew after the dad was still alive for all that time during the first encounter, the whole family was gon make it. Now my theory on that is, maybe Red and the rest of the main families' had rank over the other clones, cuz she was the only competent one and also when she started dancing she said she felt alive and the clones followed her lead. Even when their friends' clones got a hold of them they were also passive about killin them. I think their plan was going to be to hold them captive until the other parts of their plan (mass killings, human barricade) were complete and make an example of them for the other clones to signify their "emergence" or "ungathering" as she said.
Another small thing...
Was Red's dad in the beginning of the film suppose to be an alcoholic? Or a good dad but a dude with flaws? He was acting and moving weird as hell at the theme park. Were they trying to insinuate he was a sloppy drunk? And even at the counseling he appeared prettyabout the daughter while the mom was in shambles
he never did ..he was born from the clone..
She was knocked out and placed in an unknown location within the tunnel. How would she known where she was and where to go???