Small thing that bothered me is
Red could have been killed Adelaide. I know she said she wanted to take her time, but even in the final scene when she was juking her with her dance moves, she could have ended her. It made the whole tethered family look weak that the original family straight up was schooling them the whole movie. I didn't even realize Abraham was dead until the final 30 mins when Gabe mentioned it and I was like "oh shyt, Abe legit died in the lake?" I figured Abe was going to come back on some Jason shyt lol. The tethere'd family was weak. All the other doppleganger families put in work on their originals, Red and her family was BS'ing too much.
And a question...
So who was the white guy crossed out at the boardwalk? Was that the Jeremiah guy?
Facts. That's why I never felt real tension in the movie. The main family was too villain monologuey. The white families duplicates went to work immediately. The man family was bullshytting. They were too busy trying to make them look creepy instead of genuinely threatening. After a minute the boys duplicate just seemed stupid to me, crawling around and making weird noises, not doing shyt
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