If people are actually not getting nutted in due to the depressed economy and fragile state of the global economy.. then ok.
However, if media, movies, population control advocates acting as scientific reporters and birth stat monitors, and elitist who don't feel that society is stronger when we support even the weakest segments... Are promoting and deceitfully attempting to manipulate the population.. then that isn't OK.
If you make enough shows, movies, and media personalities and advocates promote homosexuality, negative stereotypes, and abortion.. but don't really balance it out with the promotion of building families, etc.. then you end up with the current situation.
When I was in HS there weren't young dudes walking around talking about gay rights.. now I have lil cousins who have an opinion on the subject in HS. Now abortion is something that isn't tabu, it's whatever.. I know chicks who use it as a form of Birth control. Young straight guys are very borderline dressing, in ways that would have let you in the past they probably suck n1ggas off. And its Ok for woman to be independent, but I've dealt with too many woman, and most of these great career, don't need a family or man women, are very weak in other ways. Many times they have selfish or superficial reasons for not wanting kids, and it's usually not the economy.
I'm not going to say "it's demonic friends", but the anti family values, anti children, pro h0mo, anti-poor family, anti morality culture is mainstream. The opposite of that is now counter-culture (imo).