But that’s only if you read into it what you want.
It also reads like an apologetic partner feeing bad for her part in a night that went bad.
She’d have no reason to “cover for her abuser” in texts directly to him.
Where I will agree with the others posters is,this text isnt the "recanting" statement people were expecting.
So all the people you silenced when they heard she recanted. And all the people who moved on to something else. All you did was bring them back into the fold to start arguing and dirtying his name in social media again. But I dont think the text actually make him look any more guilty than before. The text simply took you back to where you were before you said she recanted. When people hear recanted they assume she wrote an official statement to police,or a letter to the lawyer stating she wasnt abused and nothing happened. But the text has everything a recantment would have. It just unfortunately also has enough buzzwords to give the peanut gallery ammo

If you know your video evidence is strong,you dont care how the public reacts to these text though. You already know they will bend their knee,and you will be exhonerated.