Whether you like it or not
The president is a figure head to the American people and the world
Even if it’s beyond his power
People look towards leaders and blame/congratulate them all the same
So yes when people are looking at their finances, struggling
Then looking at the men and women who promised, promoted and ran on a platform to help said struggling Americans back slide like they at the cookout
These are the reactions that you get
Sure you can breakdown what each branch of the government does
Explain what legislation gets passed
All the things American citizens should know(but they only taught us basic tenets in primary schooling. Unless you were a Political Science major afterwards)
Most people really aren’t engaged in the process
Then one would argue the “denseness” and apathy of the people squarely lies at the feet of the American population
You would be partially correct but the majority of people are just trying to make it and raise a healthy family
And they not worried about a process, they want results
Then when people ARE aware of all the information and still seeing the smoke screens, finger pointing, bloviating, side deals that seem very both sides, foreign aid being handed out like candy but $1400 for citizens was the last straw to the economy
You then have to look at the causative reasons why people are
So in summation
nikka fukk what you talkin, why is it costing me $200 to fill both tanks of my cars
And my grocery bill is a pair of retro Js
Somebody deserves all the smoke and blame