-If AJ Styles did what he was able to do in ROH, TNA, & NJPW in WWE, he could be regarded as the best in ring wrestler ever imo if he was allowed to.
-Dolph Ziggler is awful on the mic, has a terrible voice and his in ring wrestling is too simulated with the way he wrestles.
-American Badass/Biker Taker & Ministry Taker are both better than the Deadman gimmick. I thought the Deadman gimmick got stale for me on the mic & in the ring too many times imo. Biker Taker was able to let him expand his moveset & was killing it on the mic every week. (

His Limp Bizkit entrance did make me change the channel many times though.) Ministry Taker on the mic was UT at his best imo.
-Triple H in 2000 had one of the best heel runs in a year ever, but he has never gotten close to that level since the quad/food injury. Other than that year, HHH hasn't had hardly, if any memorable moments since than besides a few moments (ie Batista program & a few others).
-Kazuchika Okada is everything Randy Orton should have been.
-Brock Lesnar & The Rock are the 2 wrestlers if I could pick 2 from any era to build around all time.
-Shawn Michaels ain't in my top 10 all time, he isn't great on the mic imo, if we are going off pure in ring, I prefer many others, and was never close to being a draw. He is easily the most overrated wrestler ever imo. There is a reason WWF beat WCW in the war once Shawn left which allowed The Rock & Stone Cold to blossom into big time draws with no political bullshyt to worry about behind their backs. You would rather not want Michaels, even at his best if you are in a legit war with promotions.
-Paige, given the amount of hype she got on NXT has been a bust imo. She is still young, but she hasn't been memorable at all since she has been on the main roster.
-CM Punk & Daniel Bryan are both great in the ring, but lose a few points for stealing their trademark moves in the ring from Japanese cats like Tenzan, KENTA, Nakumura, Shibata, etc.