Unpopular Wrestling Opinions Thread


Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
Naomi's chest is big too tho!
Foxxy's look like perfection tho



pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
Elaborate sir

Oh man, I really didn't want to go full nerd with it but whatever. It basically comes down to personal taste and what I find to be really great when watching a wrestling match. To me, it's about a combination of story, drama and crowd reaction. At some point of his career, Kurt realized that crowd popped big for a lot of suplexes, reversals, nearfalls and a fast pace; so he decided to throw the story of a match to the bushes most of the time so he could do the other things that popped the crowd (because they looked cool, were executed very well and had a quick pace).

There's nothing wrong with it because the fans obviously loved it and he's regarded as one of the best to ever do it - specially here in TSC - but to me that was kinda lazy on his part because he could do so much more when telling a story, every once in a while Kurt could pull off an amazing match with great depth. But that was the exception and not the rule. I've seen enough from a bunch of other wrestlers that didn't have the execution nor the pace of Kurt, but surpassed him in creating drama due to story they were telling (and not how a suplex or move looked) and had the crowd just as engaged. And to me, that has more value than what Angle did most of his career.

I realize this sounds way too nerdy but when grading greatness I can't help but go there. Kurt was really fukking good and a shyt ton of people will read what I just wrote and think I either have a shytty taste in wrestling or don't know what the fukk I'm talking about :heh: but I see what he was capable of and think he could've done waaay more with the talent he had. Other people did better in my eyes with a lot less than Angle.

Cartier Murphy

Apathy’s a Tragedy & Boredom is a Crime
May 10, 2015
I don't totally know what is and isn't considered unpopular here, so I'll just go for it:

Jack Swagger's world title run had potential, if he wasn't turned into monotone suit wearing heel #304 (this was around the same time Jericho, Miz, McIntyre, and maybe someone else I'm forgetting) and stayed the athletic goof he was on ECW, it'd have worked. That one promo where he had all his trophies in the ring and Show destroyed them all was entertaining and showed glimmers of hope. shyt he even beat Randy Orton clean in his first defense. But he was made a bland, cookie cutter heel and that's partially why his run is so poorly looked down upon (the other part being is that he's just an average dude all around but atleast if he had a good character there'd be something worth remembering).

TNA isn't a company worth saving.

AJ Lee after losing the title to Paige after Wrestlemania 30 was a shell of herself. You can say the same for CM Punk after the Brock Lesnar feud. They both basically gave up.

Rock/HHH might be the best Ironman match of all time. I still have to rewatch the Lesnar/Angle and HHH/Benoit ones to feel more confident in that opinion.

The Shield should've stayed together longer. At the very least, by a few months.

I'd enjoy Seth Rollins more if his act didn't feel like some hybrid Edge/HHH rip-off.

I enjoyed the brand split, and having two rosters and two separate titles. They could've done more to really make the shows feel like two separate products like having different production or looks to the shows beyond staging, but still.

I don't wanna see Chris Jericho return anymore.

Diesel's WWF title run didn't tank solely based off anything having to do with him, moreso that there were no main event heels worth caring about. Them having to elevate Mabel to main event status kind've validates this idea. Having a heel champion that year might've worked better considering how many over, main event faces there were.


May 13, 2012
-If AJ Styles did what he was able to do in ROH, TNA, & NJPW in WWE, he could be regarded as the best in ring wrestler ever imo if he was allowed to.
-Dolph Ziggler is awful on the mic, has a terrible voice and his in ring wrestling is too simulated with the way he wrestles.
-American Badass/Biker Taker & Ministry Taker are both better than the Deadman gimmick. I thought the Deadman gimmick got stale for me on the mic & in the ring too many times imo. Biker Taker was able to let him expand his moveset & was killing it on the mic every week. (:francis: His Limp Bizkit entrance did make me change the channel many times though.) Ministry Taker on the mic was UT at his best imo.
-Triple H in 2000 had one of the best heel runs in a year ever, but he has never gotten close to that level since the quad/food injury. Other than that year, HHH hasn't had hardly, if any memorable moments since than besides a few moments (ie Batista program & a few others).
-Kazuchika Okada is everything Randy Orton should have been.
-Brock Lesnar & The Rock are the 2 wrestlers if I could pick 2 from any era to build around all time.
-Shawn Michaels ain't in my top 10 all time, he isn't great on the mic imo, if we are going off pure in ring, I prefer many others, and was never close to being a draw. He is easily the most overrated wrestler ever imo. There is a reason WWF beat WCW in the war once Shawn left which allowed The Rock & Stone Cold to blossom into big time draws with no political bullshyt to worry about behind their backs. You would rather not want Michaels, even at his best if you are in a legit war with promotions.
-Paige, given the amount of hype she got on NXT has been a bust imo. She is still young, but she hasn't been memorable at all since she has been on the main roster.
-CM Punk & Daniel Bryan are both great in the ring, but lose a few points for stealing their trademark moves in the ring from Japanese cats like Tenzan, KENTA, Nakumura, Shibata, etc.
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Dec 3, 2014
not sure if this is all that unpopular, but by far the worst wrestling trope is when anyone gets "arrested"

i can put up with a lot of lame stuff but whenever someone gets fake-arrested by a bunch of arena security, it makes me be like "why am i watching this shyt?"


Apr 16, 2013
-Bray Wyatt should be a World Champion
-Jericho is still one of the top workers in the company
-Heath Slater is awful and is getting too much TV time
-Nia Jax is what Tamina should have been and is way more interesting than Tamina (not sure if that's unpopular though)
-Carmella should stop trying to wrestle and just be a valet
-Eric Young is one of the best heels in all of wrestling
-The brand split needs to come back

Love Sosa

Feb 25, 2014
The soap opera aspect of wrestling (Characters, gimmicks, promos, stories, etc) are much more important than the wrestling to me. This is why today's product is garbage because nobody can fukking talk. That's what I liked about CM Punk. Not only that but the atmosphere is terrible. The arenas, camera angles, names of PPVs, music, lighting, everything is just bad.

Today's crowds and their random chants have to go. It was cool in 2006 but I want to hear a simple loud pop, I don't want to hear "this is awesome clap clap clap".

Mr. Jiggy Fly

All Star
Jan 30, 2016
Good manners when you eatin' ya sloppy ja-hoes
The Miz deserves another main-event level run.....as long as he doesn't actually win the title and just competes for it every now and then

Dolph Ziggler should remain in the IC title scene for the rest of his WWE career, and has no business going beyond that

The Usos (especially Jimmy) are actually pretty good on the mic and just don't normally have the opportunity/direction to do it to the best of their ability.....they were great in segments during the Miz/Naomi storyline

I'm pretty sure Big E is gay/bi....no hate; but it seems that way to me

Bray Wyatt and his crew should be the top dominant heels in the company (not including the Authority)

Taker needs to retire this year, and should have done it last year

Mark Henry should have won the 2016 Rumble & WWE title for the first time. The Raw after that, he gives a GOAT promo as champ and hypes up how he's proud to have won the title just in time for Black History Month. Then Triple H makes him defend the belt that night against him, and he loses it to Triple H due to Authority shenanigans (namely, interference from The Great White, Sheamus...or maybe Rusev). Triple H and Sheamus (or whoever else they're willing to have feuding with Henry up to a Mania match) now have incredible heel heat. Let the Triple H/Ambrose/Reigns shyt continue from there. As stated, let Mark have a heated feud with Sheamus (or whoever) until Mania for a match. If he's retiring around that time then let it be a retirement match....once he loses, we could have a powerful, sad moment at Mania and say goodbye to him. Otherwise, let him win for the final victory in the feud.....

Michael Cole is just a tier below JR when he isn't headset-controlled by Vince/Kevin Dunn....his early Smackdown run proves that

Heyman's "My client...Brock Lesnar...." schtick is starting to get old

Asuka is the sexiest woman in WWE right now