I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
Lance Storm wasn't boring[/B], he could more than hold his own against anyone. Most of the time he carried people
Triple H could get carried to classics but couldn't make matches with lesser guys memorable
Blaming the champ for everything wrong (ratings, stock $) with the company only happens when it suits posters' arguments
uhh he was the definition of boring however that single leg boston crab was dope

- Sting shouldn't have come to WWE, he 15 years too late
- Brock Lesnar wouldnt be such a star without Heyman
- MVP is a crap pro wrestler for how much shyt talking he does
But that is why managers are missed today. There are SOOOOOO many guys that would look like gold if they had a paul heyman, and that's not to say he is right for everybody but managers make you look better and more intimidating than you are. they are like a good producer.
Eva Marie & Nikki Bella are so overrated looks wise. Eva looks too plastic and Nikki is average at best.
Naomi is mediocre to okay at best.
Character is so overemphasized in importance in WWE and the wrestling aspect is so underappreciated.
Summerslam 2003 isn't as bad of show as "smarks" make it out to be.
Wrestlers using other popular wrestlers moves is stupid and comes off as desperate to get over with the audience.
Storylines about Nationalism will always be stupid.

The wwe overhypes the Michaels/Hart fued because they didn't have anything better.
The new generation isn't an era. It was a transitional period that consisted of new lows.
The iron man match that Shawn and Bret had is overrated.![]()
Didn't even know that's what they called it until like 5 years ago, to me it was just the aftermath of ALL their TOP guys leaving at the same time