Rocket Scientist
I don't believe this. Black Men always are put down ,when in fact we are doing better then you think.
Stop man...stop! Masters and Ph.ds aren't the only road to success. I know plenty of Black men who are in the trades, franchise owners, and other professions doing way better than people with a ph.d. In fact, I know people with masters still trying to find a job.
The cost benefit ratio to obtaining a masters and doctorate isn't great anymore, and you don't need them to be in a leadership role.
I just earned one of those degrees myselfnsbe reported that black men make up the largest group earning 2/y tech/engineering degrees...... a lot are in the military earning them as well....
Thing is, its the exact same survival that Black women are dealing with; perhaps more than Black men are because they tend to be the caregivers for their siblings, and if they have children, the burden falls almost exclusively on them.I disagree with this. I think with us black men it maybe more about survival than a cultural anti-education mindset.
* Because most black men ( not all) grow up in a lower income area, when we graduate high school there’s usually a decision to be made, should I go to college? or should I work so I can provide? Men ( whether black or white) are always told they should be providers (mostly financially) so the decision is now
-Should I pay 30k ( the average student debt load) for something that can help me LATER ON.
-Or take this 8-hour and 16-hour security, OSHA, construction course and provide for immediately?
While the college graduate will eventually make more money later on, the temporary financial relief these black men can provide right now maybe too good to pass up. Remember .... Poverty not only makes you financially insecure, it adds stress, increases the chances of violent interactions and increases the chances of depression (I like to use a rap quote to sum this up)
“I started off less than broke how am I suppose to survive, Momma said the rent due, how am I suppose to provide? Motions replied tears fall from both of my eyes, This when they put that pressure on you, gotta go and reply
Can't lower my pride
I filled out applications, waiting for a call back
They just had me waiting, thoughts marinated like
Will I ever get out this hell hole? Who the hell knows.
-Don Q ( Still feel me)
^^ I believe this mentality is way more prevalent than a form of anti -intellectualism that unfairly gets labeled on black men.
Black Women Leaders Approved for Assertiveness in the Workplace
Research shows BLACK men and white women are not approved for assertiveness in the workplace but black women and white men are approved.
This study does not suggest, however, that racism is no longer a problem or that black women leaders don’t experience problems because they are perceived more like white men than white women. Rosette emphasized the fact that this new study only talks about women who have already reached top leadership roles. “This research doesn’t examine what it is like for black women to get to those roles in the first place,” she said.
Livingston suspects that one of the reasons that there aren’t as many black women as white men running Fortune 500 companies is because black women may actually be more likely to be penalized for a mistake. “It is possible that black women can be assertive, but any mistake on the job might be interpreted as evidence that she is not suited for the leadership role,” he said. That may make it extremely difficult for black women to climb the corporate ladder.
There are a lot less Black men in the pool anyway.Black women are perfect for filling quotas and adding diversity. Black man is seen as a threat, always have always will.
Salute to our women tho, black man gotta find another way![]()
There are a lot less Black men in the pool anyway.
Being "seen as a threat" doesn't make much of a difference: there are less Black men in college, less Black men picking lucrative or constructive majors, less Black men graduating in those areas in a reasonable amount of time (4-5 years at the most), and even fewer graduating with research/experience and good GPAs.
Diversity quotas are definitely there, but when there is parity between Black men and women in the applicant pool, its about even.
Beyond that: there is just an outright need for more education, and educational success at that.
There's a reason African immigrants are so far above and beyond AAs, on a purely education to professional success basis. Aside from the outside factors that push so many more of them into higher education.
not only thatOur education system is anti black and definitely anti male. Put those together and you get Blk boys more negatively impacted.
Blk girls struggle as well but in different ways.
Not true. DV lottery only requires you complete high school. They have drive but are definitely not "cream of the crop"agree on all points breh, plus the African immigrants who come here are already the cream of the crop from their own countries for the most part. America is not letting the down and outs come in![]()
Not true. DV lottery only requires you complete high school. They have drive but are definitely not "cream of the crop"