Burger king could spin this as being irresistibly the number one choice for fleeing revolutionaries
YOU RULE!Burger king could spin this as being irresistibly the number one choice for fleeing revolutionaries
Free Luigi.
Mario would have never
stood on business so gangsta.
No wonder nikkas kidnap
his bytch with no worries.
We ain't do that shyt.This country is too damn polarized
Lui put these rich greedy mfs on notice and y'all worrying about if he's right wing or not
Y'all can't tell the media is putting out certain talking points to further divide?
People have been addressing the issues that he is talking about. I wonder who he voted for????
I’m not getting into this, and your making assumptions without the full details get to come out lol.its textbook, self valorization giving the auspices he is on a crusade of justice.
this what not some poor unfortunate guy who lost his mother and had no other recourse.
this dude came from multi millions, his family would have paid for what surgeries he needed, whatever the cost.
People have been addressing the issues that he is talking about. I wonder who he voted for????
someone with his perceived intelligence should know that these corporations are hydra. killing one ceo will stop nothing.
This was nothing more than radicalized self aggrandizement .
He truly cared about shaping a better healthcare solution for others he would have dedicated his families immense resources to making it so.
"But... But... Black women are thirsting over his immaculate abs and handsome faceha @ the usual suspects trying to muddy the waters on this and shoehorn agendas into it
None of any of that garbage matters when it comes to pain. Whatever his status in life, his family, their money, education, whatever. None of that matters.
I didn’t want to chime in… but bruh… ur an idiot. To keep it short, and in simple terms narcissists don’t accept accountability.. this is the basis of the definition… now, I would like you to reread that manifesto again, and explain to me where he doesn’t accept ‘accountability’, and he ‘strictly’ places the blame on others…..
Edit… I hate the word ‘narcissist’… it just feels like a current ‘buzz’ word in modern society, when folks don’t even know the definition. Everybody just throws it around
lol, u got this champ
Anyone with a brain can see he has multiple traits of a narcissist. You’re cherry picking to make a point—and to keep this hero cloak over him.
He’s not taking accountability for anything. In fact, on the surface, he’s blaming his action (again, which he does not explicitly mention) on an entire system. He’s not saying “hey, I shot this man in his back because I felt he deserved it due to his career choice”. He’s ’splaining it by throwing around buzzwords of his own.
Funny how you left out other traits of narcissism, including exaggeration of one’s own importance and skills (“i’m an engineer so you won’t figure out my tech”, alluding to how easy this was for him to do etc). He even said he’s the first person to “brutally” confront the inequities of for profit health insurance (LOL). Just because no one was stupid enough to shoot someone in the back in the middle of Manhattan doesn’t mean this isn’t a fight that’s been fought for decades.
Does he have a personality disorder? Probably not, but he’s clearly a person with narcissistic tendencies and a warped sense of his own reality