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You got like a year and some change to scrounge up the cash Brokey Bayweatherall this piff
my bank account bout to get that work
You got like a year and some change to scrounge up the cash Brokey Bayweather
What game doesn't have repetitive gameplay?shyt looks amazing but uncharted gameplay is so repetitive to me
these cats leave no stone unturned. the awareness of all the npcs, the informed decisions being made by the AI...The sand bags even lose volume when they're shot at...
@MeachTheMonster was saying that. He even threw in a driveclub reference. I heard the showfloor demo is longer and even crazier.these cats leave no stone unturned. the awareness of all the npcs, the informed decisions being made by the AI...
somebody was saying last night its scripted, how could that be when the player has so many more choices than to do exactly what you see in the video?
if you play this same scenario 5 times it will play out 5 different ways. you can test that with any of the uncharteds already out and the last of us
as cool as tomb raider is, it doesnt compare
Don't no about a show floor demo, but that driving section the showed was extremely scripted. You can't turn down any of the streets other than the path they set up and your car always crosses at the right time in relation to the enemy car@MeachTheMonster was saying that. He even threw in a driveclub reference. I heard the showfloor demo is longer and even crazier.
How you know?Don't no about a show floor demo, but that driving section the showed was extremely scripted. You can't turn down any of the streets other than the path they set up and your car always crosses at the right time in relation to the enemy car