# 1 rule of gun ownership is to know when to use it/not use it. 99.9% of civilian issues don't require the use of a gun. It's the same thing they tell you in any mixed martial art when you start learning, you're not supposed to go around and karate chop nikkaz in the head and sh*t. I don't know if it's something in the water or chemtrails or whatever, but these days there is a severe lack of common sense/self control. Guarantee you if it was some strapped up Tookie William type bangers Scott would have called the cops, but since it was some punk azz white kids, he went out there tryin' to be Judge Dredd and sh*t. The fact that a man that big needs a gun to chase off 3 white teenagers is
status. There need's to be some rule of thumb for the idiots. I think that they should make a course for all gun owners educating them on proper scenarios to use a gun, and how to shoot someone in a non-fatal manner. Only the people who pass the course should be allowed to carry guns outside of their property.