Umar Johnson Is A Fraud, Umar snaps "triffilin ass black people"

Goat poster

May 13, 2012
Because the Nation has built many schools and businesses. Umar hasn't even held a summer camp.

Why is this so hard for people to understand?

I wouldn't call Umar a fraud If he was REALLY out here in the trenches organizing after school programs, setting up summer camps, Hell STEVE FUKKING HARVEY has a summer mens leadership academy.

Umars problem is his ego...He doesn't want to take the baby steps required to get to where he is trying to get. He just wants to bytch and moan like he should just be able to wave a wand and everybody cash him out with 4 million and thats that.

It doesn't work like that people. There are countless men in the community doing work in the trenches EVERYDAY that I would entrust my money in before i would Umar. DR. STEVE PERRY is an excellent example of someone who is PUTTING IN WORK ON THE GROUND at Prepatory Magnet School in Conn, If HE wanted 4 mil to move his program out in the boondocks I would donate cause dude has a TRACK RECORD.

Umar doesn't tell people where the money he been getting for YEARS on this project has went. He has no serious track record of working with youth for people to entrust him with their money and more importantly their CHILDREN.

Umar is either a fraud at worst or an incompetent leader at best.

Quiet Magician

Mar 13, 2014
You know I have to agree with the side that brings up his lack of credential. How in the world does anyone take you seriously when you mention how you are certified without showing us any proof?


AL loves da kids : )
Jun 15, 2015

Why is this so hard for people to understand?

I wouldn't call Umar a fraud If he was REALLY out here in the trenches organizing after school programs, setting up summer camps, Hell STEVE FUKKING HARVEY has a summer mens leadership academy.

Umars problem is his ego...He doesn't want to take the baby steps required to get to where he is trying to get. He just wants to bytch and moan like he should just be able to wave a wand and everybody cash him out with 4 million and thats that.

It don't work like that people. There are countless men in the community doing work in the trenches EVERYDAY that I would entrust my money in before i would Umar. DR. STEVE PERRY is an excellent example of someone who is PUTTING IN WORK ON THE GROUND at Prepatory Magnet School in Conn, If HE wanted 4 mil to move his program out in the boondocks I would donate cause dude has a TRACK RECORD.

Umar don't tell people where the money he been getting for YEARS on this project has went. He has no serious track record of working with youth for people to entrust him with their money and more importantly their CHILDREN.

Umar is either a fraud at worst or an incompetent leader at best.

You are right...The only time I see someone just start a big project with no experience is when they are wealthy and mommy and daddy will protect their project. Everyone has to and SHOULD start of small. 1. If the project goes well you have experience, and the public's respect. I agree, if Umar is not a fraud his ego is getting in the way. This is why it is always good to work with a team that has your best intentions at heart. If they see you getting out of hand they will quickly correct it and let you know where you are going wrong. Most of the people supporting Umar have no clue what it takes to run a project. Most of his females followers secretly have a crush on him and see nothing wrong with him, and imagine themselves as his lady. That is why I said only single mothers will send their sons to his schools.
Umar has to understand that his business track record does not look hot, BUT Umar is no dummy. He knows that if he goes to upperclass black people, or wealthy black people internationally he has to come correct. I am the vice president of a small volunteer organization in my community and on my campus. Our donations are not taxable so people are hesitant to donate and even our sponsors can be a tad bit stingy lol. We want to do a back to school event for kids at a local community of group homes that has over 300 minors. We are trying to get around $2,500 from our sponsors, and we are currently planning out everything to present properly. Now I would think if you have to come correct for $2,500 then you need to come correct for 2 million.
Apr 30, 2012

Why is this so hard for people to understand?

I wouldn't call Umar a fraud If he was REALLY out here in the trenches organizing after school programs, setting up summer camps, Hell STEVE FUKKING HARVEY has a summer mens leadership academy.

Umars problem is his ego...He doesn't want to take the baby steps required to get to where he is trying to get. He just wants to bytch and moan like he should just be able to wave a wand and everybody cash him out with 4 million and thats that.

It doesn't work like that people. There are countless men in the community doing work in the trenches EVERYDAY that I would entrust my money in before i would Umar. DR. STEVE PERRY is an excellent example of someone who is PUTTING IN WORK ON THE GROUND at Prepatory Magnet School in Conn, If HE wanted 4 mil to move his program out in the boondocks I would donate cause dude has a TRACK RECORD.

Umar doesn't tell people where the money he been getting for YEARS on this project has went. He has no serious track record of working with youth for people to entrust him with their money and more importantly their CHILDREN.

Umar is either a fraud at worst or an incompetent leader at best.

:lolbron:so maybe you could answer this, since he/she could not or chose to ignore it...
Oh good lord, so we are are going to continue to focus on the end goals and successful outcomes and not their initial struggles...ok
so, why did the Nation of Islam borrow millions of dollars from Gaddafi(And paid all of it back)?
And how was that money used? What would the outcome be without those millions of dollars?
HINT: yet another example of a "black interest" organization needing to look outside the black community for significant donation and support :francis:

Goat poster

May 13, 2012
:lolbron:so maybe you could answer this, since he/she could not or chose to ignore it...

HINT: yet another example of a "black interest" organization needing to look outside the black community for significant donation and support :francis:

I don't follow what your trying to say, could you please elaborate?


Jun 4, 2012
To each it's own. You have your belief's and you are going to believe what you want to believe...I do not have a belief system and I am a good person that can find a man of means so I'm not worried :manny:
you're correct that it's preference. However, you made some blatantly false claims and you need to reevaluate; which will come with time.

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
You should post a link to the school fundraiser so that we can donate to your friend academy and have the Mods set it up in the Roots forum. I'll be gladly to support the academy with my donation.

That's awesome and I'm sure he'd appreciate anything if brehs are trying to give. I'll hit him up and find out the best way to do that and get back with you and everybody ASAP.


All Star
Jun 6, 2012
i feel bad for the people that donated. This nikka gone fukk around and get audited

Audited for what? They GAVE him the money. It isn't like they crowd funded anything really, they just donated. GoFundMe means he doesn't have to return funds if goal is not met. It's the best of all worlds and also the only thing he follows on social media lol. Not a network of people, but a bank. LOL. It's like me being a preacher and only following paypal.

This thread shows you the fight we have. Half of us trying to wake folks up and save them but you know the saying "a fool and their money are soon parted" He been parting alot of fools from their money. He says some good things that people want to hear. Great give him your cash for telling you things you mostly already know and live if it makes you feel better. You donate and thats fine.

Here's where we separate emotional fools from this thread and people who actually have sense and some kind of intellect.

Where is his 501c3 ?

Answer that and I'm done. Everyone in here acting like us calling a rat a rat somehow offends them because they know him well enough to vouch and put themselves on the line for him(someone they know intimately) then go head and ask Jermaine about his 501c3.

King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012

Why is this so hard for people to understand?

I wouldn't call Umar a fraud If he was REALLY out here in the trenches organizing after school programs, setting up summer camps, Hell STEVE FUKKING HARVEY has a summer mens leadership academy.

Umars problem is his ego...He doesn't want to take the baby steps required to get to where he is trying to get. He just wants to bytch and moan like he should just be able to wave a wand and everybody cash him out with 4 million and thats that.

It doesn't work like that people. There are countless men in the community doing work in the trenches EVERYDAY that I would entrust my money in before i would Umar. DR. STEVE PERRY is an excellent example of someone who is PUTTING IN WORK ON THE GROUND at Prepatory Magnet School in Conn, If HE wanted 4 mil to move his program out in the boondocks I would donate cause dude has a TRACK RECORD.

Umar doesn't tell people where the money he been getting for YEARS on this project has went. He has no serious track record of working with youth for people to entrust him with their money and more importantly their CHILDREN.

Umar is either a fraud at worst or an incompetent leader at best.

Bu but you wouldn't ask a while man for his credentials :mjpls:



I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Props to Canada. But as I continue to browse the thread, some of us are injecting already established programs, almost like a way to indirectly compare to Umar's efforts

Do you know what the HCZ was prior to becoming the HCZ of today? It was the extra efforts and sacrifices of a few individuals from different city funded services, that setup home base at a public school. Remove the funding, free housing, and dedication of those individuals, the vision of Geoffrey Canada's HCZ would still be a work in progress

Also the need to gain public and private donations by omitting the wording that explicitly says "improving the black community and family," should not be ignored because government funding and even rich black folks don't want to get caught up in anything that could be skewed as funding discrimination programs

If you ever been the point person and/or support system for college tours, after school program, summer camp, young adult leadership academies, and career guidance programs, which I have been, then you would know that it takes more than individual efforts,individual resources, and individual sacrifices to successfully do such things

In no way am I comparing Umars efforts with the Harlem Children's Zone. I was just saying that I donate to black causes I believe in, and us educating ourselves is one of them. It was what Booker T Washington envisioned when he created Tuskegee.

I support Umar and I support HCZ/Canada :manny: