Dude you do realize that most men who even claim to be religious and not atheist/agnostic do not even practice what they preach? They are raised in a religious culture so of course they are going to remain religious. They feel no need to denounce it, because they rarely if ever think about it until shyt hit's the fan. I had a well to do tenured 64 year old Christian Afrocentric professor ask me to be his wife and a mother to his child even though he has a 4 year old daughter with a 28 year old woman.
I've met men who look at me weird in public once they find out that I am agnostic, yet they still try to hit....I am just saying..I don't think their God would approve of that......the hypocrisy with religious men and women is ridiculous.
Also it is one thing to choose your religion, and another thing to be raised in the that religion. Many people stick to their religious belief's because it is what they are raised around.
and I prefer men that are not religious because raising children will cause a conflict when two people have different but strong religious belief's
I am just saying..I don't think their God would approve of that......the hypocrisy with religious men and women is ridiculous
The problem is, you don't know any religious people..... You just know people who claim to follow a certain religion......
you have zero understanding of the word anecdotal.
you believe some old nikka trying to fukk you who happens to be religious = Whatever Foolish generalization your mind comes up with.
And just because someone stays in their religion doesn't mean that the only reason they stay in their religion is because they were raised in it.
I wasn't raised in the religion that I currently am, and my parents are against it, but I still choose it
Millions of people convert each year to religions that are not a part of their family culture.
You're right, there are some hypocrites in religion, but All of your post about relationships and your reasons why you'd choose the way you do - are foolish and not based in fact.
NTM, the majority of non religious relationship have the Same issues
, and most great and good men are religious, and there are Also hypocrites who are atheist.
I shouldn't be able to read your post and be able to tell you're under the age of 24. Go back and read this shyt you're writing and reevaluate.
lol @ you equating men wanting to fukk you with ANYTHING
You're a woman.... rich men will fukk hoodrats, preachers will fukk hookers, self righteous a$$holes will fukk idiots, some so called pro black guys will fukk non black girls, some racist white men love black p*ssy.
You need to grow up![]()
I'm surprised he hasn't been exposed by a journalist yet. He has no resume, no proof he's a doctor, no certificate, no nothing. When asked about it he gets defensive or accuses people of being agents. He asks for 2mil to build a school yet doesn't have a business plan. He hasn't explained how he'll pay staff, rent, equipment, curriculum, taxes, etc.
He has accused PayPal of trying to steal his money lmao. He has an endless amount of excuses. Yall know that if he raised the money his next trick would be to reveal The Man is trying to stop him from buying the school so he needs time to fight it. While raising money for legal fees I'd bet lol. He's a fraud.