Umar Johnson is... a blood relative of Rameses the II

May 16, 2012
But our ancestors if you are AA are from west Africa.

You do know people moved around back in the day right? Just cause a certain people now live in West Africa doesn't mean that is where they always lived. I think you have bought into white supremacy so much that they got you feeling ashamed of Ancient Egypt.

For the record, around 10,000 years ago when the origins of Ancient Egyptian civilization were starting, the Sahara desert used to be lush green savannah. It was where all the large animals roamed (similar to how they now roam today in East and Central Africa). It was also where most Africans lived. You gotta remember humans follow animals who follow water. There were ancient lakes all over North Africa that dwarfed the Great Lakes here in America.

All this geological evidence makes it so that the ancestors of modern day West Africans were actually living in North Africa when Ancient Egyptian civilization was about to start. In fact it was the drying of the Sahara that caused Ancient Africans at that time to migrate toward the nearest bodies of water (i.e. the Nile River) and create civilization.

Stop falling for white supremacist talking points and thinking that because your ancestors might be in West Africa RIGHT NOW that they were never in North Africa and a fundamental part of Ancient Egypt.


Get Money
Nov 19, 2016
You do know people moved around back in the day right? Just cause a certain people now live in West Africa doesn't mean that is where they always lived. I think you have bought into white supremacy so much that they got you feeling ashamed of Ancient Egypt.

For the record, around 10,000 years ago when the origins of Ancient Egyptian civilization were starting, the Sahara desert used to be lush green savannah. It was where all the large animals roamed (similar to how they now roam today in East and Central Africa). It was also where most Africans lived. You gotta remember humans follow animals who follow water. There were ancient lakes all over North Africa that dwarfed the Great Lakes here in America.

All this geological evidence makes it so that the ancestors of modern day West Africans were actually living in North Africa when Ancient Egyptian civilization was about to start. In fact it was the drying of the Sahara that caused Ancient Africans at that time to migrate toward the nearest bodies of water (i.e. the Nile River) and create civilization.

Stop falling for white supremacist talking points and thinking that because your ancestors might be in West Africa RIGHT NOW that they were never in North Africa and a fundamental part of Ancient Egypt.
Bruh what the fukk are you talking about. I have read so many books on Egypt and Africa. I know about the origins of human civilization and migration patterns. But during his rule the rest of Africa was populated as well. I am in no way ashamed of Egypt. I have Egyptian art in my home. I have been to Egypt lol. It is the opposite of buying into white supremacy to say that we should celebrate Egypt but also acknowledge that we also have ancestry in other places in Africa. shyt Egypt only became the Egypt that we know of because of the contributions given by Africa as a whole. Most of Egyptian art or culture directly comes from West Africa. If anything white supremacy has made black people ashamed of being from those other parts of Africa. That is the difference between old scholars and these new media personality YouTube “scholars”. By the way I just read the first paragraph, because you are going back and forth with the wrong one, because you keep talking about white supremacist brain washing us as if I didn’t say a million times that there is absolutely nothing wrong with celebrating Egypt or anywhere in Africa as black centers of achievement whether you have a ancestor from Mali or not. A ancestor from the Zulu people or not. I simply made a statement on how people disassociate the rest of Africa as if it’s not possible to have ancestors from other places of Africa while Ramses was ruling. READ and stop assuming you know what I’m talking about when you obviously did not get what I was saying. I have been to Egypt 5 times. You have a good day sir. The post was about being a descendent of a specific person. Umar is a corny clout chaser who lies just to lie. He can very well have ancestry in Egypt. But he know damn well a palm reader is not the person to go to for that. He is simply saying it for clout. Mansa Musa was from Mali right? We can all take pride in that. But we all ain’t descendants of Mansa Musa. There is nothing wrong with that statement at all.
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Jan 28, 2013
There are literally hundreds of millions of people living today who are direct descendants of Ramsses. Its not out of the question that Dr. Umar could be one of them.

What ya'll don't realize that if you go back 20 generations, each one of us has about a million great grandparents. For the record, Ramsses is a lot far back than 20 generations. Just based on population dynamics, you have a decent chance of being related to Ramsses. So there's nothing wild about this take.
Earning that badge of shame with this one

@Swagnificent isn’t wrong though. According to 23&Me I share an ancestor with Ramesses III. Blood of pharaohs and kings :blessed:

May 16, 2012
Bruh what the fukk are you talking about. I have read so many books on Egypt and Africa. I know about the origins of human civilization and migration patterns. But during his rule the rest of Africa was populated as well. I am in no way ashamed of Egypt. I have Egyptian art in my home. I have been to Egypt lol. It is the opposite of buying into white supremacy to say that we should celebrate Egypt but also acknowledge that we also have ancestry in other places in Africa. shyt Egypt only became the Egypt that we know of because of the contributions given by Africa as a whole. Most of Egyptian art or culture directly comes from West Africa. If anything white supremacy has made black people ashamed of being from those other parts of Africa. That is the difference between old scholars and these new media personality YouTube “scholars”. By the way I just read the first paragraph, because you are going back and forth with the wrong one, because you keep talking about white supremacist brain washing us as if I didn’t say a million times that there is absolutely nothing wrong with celebrating Egypt or anywhere in Africa as black centers of achievement whether you have a ancestor from Mali or not. A ancestor from the Zulu people or not. I simply made a statement on how people disassociate the rest of Africa as if it’s not possible to have ancestors from other places of Africa while Ramses was ruling. READ and stop assuming you know what I’m talking about when you obviously did not get what I was saying. I have been to Egypt 5 times. You have a good day sir. The post was about being a descendent of a specific person. Umar is a corny clout chaser who lies just to lie. He can very well have ancestry in Egypt. But he know damn well a palm reader is not the person to go to for that. He is simply saying it for clout. Mansa Musa was from Mali right? We can all take pride in that. But we all ain’t descendants of Mansa Musa. There is nothing wrong with that statement at all.

No disrespect but you come off sounding like a cac.

When we celebrate Ancient Egypt as black Americans, we do so because they were black and because blackness has been denigrated by white supremacy. We don't do so because we think we are direct descendants of Ramesses (like Dr. Umar) or because we have no respect for the rest of Africa. Like all things related to the black experience in America, it is in direct response to white supremacy. And yes whites have made Ancient Egypt at the center of their whitewashing campaign of black history. That is why we focus on it so much. If whites made Mansa Musa and Shaka Zulu the center of their whitewashing campaign then we would focus on that too.

If you actually are black, I would suggest you drop the white views regarding Ancient Egypt and black Americans. Cause really its only cacs I see that are always quick to remind us that we're from West Africa not North Africa. Or are the ones who say focus on other parts of Africa instead of Egypt.

I will personally keep focusing on Ancient Egypt until its UNIVERSALLY accepted as being an authentically black culture and civilization. Till then focusing on the other parts of African history that aren't at the epicenter of white supremacy's quest for whitewashing will have to wait.


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
hotep arena is a circus of tricks.

most of y'all been pimped... :sas1:

"I was a umar stan until.." "I was a tariq stan until..."

some of us saw this shyt miles away :sas2:

zulu, nubian, native american, israelite, egyptian in the house.... send me gifts n donations, I'm tryna rebuild the schools of timbuktu :pachaha:

Chaka Zulu Ramses III Tuscarora Indians Tribe of Israel New School of Timbuktu