The transparency isn’t the problem, the intent is. If you’re all about your community, why wouldn’t you at least offer the opportunity for equity? If i give 10,000, all I can get is a “credit” and a thank you? When people invest in movies, there’s usually a percentage coming back. Some ownership.
Tariq Elite literally goes to the well, takes the water out, puts it in a bottle and then goes back to the owner of the well and sells it back to him.
It’s a good business move, but if you’re intention is for the community, it’s not exactly moralistic. The only thing he’s giving out is knowledge, which is not tangible in itself. Those checks here and there are good, but what long term opportunities is he creating for the people who make him rich? Like I said, there isn’t nothing wrong with the model as a businessman, but when you portray yourself as a community ally, you should want to create equity and long term establishments for your people.