UK breh's and brehettes... Why do you still pay for kings, queens, princes and princesses

Jul 24, 2018
Thank fukk for monarchies. The 20th century has shown that republics don't protect the rights of its people and are easily corrupted.

Imagine saying the same shyt with a straight face, "Republics are better for the governed than monarchies."
Yet the 20th century has been rife with republics that have cause a hell of a lot bloodshed, tyranny, corruption and other such shyt.

Can anybody honestly say that you can compare the likes of Queen Elizabeth ii to Mao, the six commie leaders of the USSR, Hitler, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Gaddafi, Ho Chi Minh, Ayatollah Khomeini, The Taliban, Salazar, Nicolae Ceaușescu, The vast amount of incompetent republic el presidente dictators of Latin America and Africa, Saddam Hussein, Enver Hoxha, Suharto and the many heads of states of republics that are/were supposedly more righteous that monarchs and monarchies.

Those that believe republics are the answer need to truly examine 20th century history.

What does the royal family even spend their time doing?
Making sure that we (the UK) don't become a shytty corrupt republic like the ones in existance today and the 20th century.