Tony has more ways to win than most fighters, Khabib has less ways to lose.
That's a gem right there!
since it's open from the same position that Dustin got his guillotine choke attempt tonight.
I think that if Tony was in that position he would have finish that choke.
Most of Khabibs opponents come to the ring with doubts and fear, rightfully so, but that "crazy" factor Tony has it's what can give him the edge.
I am a betting junkie so I will put something on a simple win. Now if you have any picks on a more technical bet - idk, winner by sub or tko, round etc., my inbox is empty and accepting tips lol
Don't think that I got only those 2 things I've quoted but like I said MMA is not my thing and I asked you like a newbie. No back and forth just listening lol
Great post. Can't rep you because I already did on that other post.
Nothing but respect for a man that works on his warrior skills!
edit: I worked on my 'wrestling' defense because I got my ass KICKED BADLY by a judoca and's fcuking terrifying being down, hands and feet "tied" not being able to DO SIHT. I was basically at his mercy

so I can understand Khabibs opponents lol