Its not hard breh squats Alone along with kegals can make any chick have an ass
Her chest though I might say she used some kind of trainer

Its not hard breh squats Alone along with kegals can make any chick have an ass
Her chest though I might say she used some kind of trainer
She literally has a post showing her weight gain, using heavy weight gainers and an exercise regimen.She didn't go from a small B to DD + and gain an ass in less than 5 years without adding weight to her arms, lower legs, handles.
She has a great shape....I love pear shapes, skinny or thick, but lets be honest.
you gullible as fukk fam
Yes they do breh the glutes are still a muscle have chick hop on a weight gainer and then have her start doing power lifting or Olympic style weight training and watch
In fact, here's the old thread, vid was from when she was 17.
Get a load of the hips and ass on this bytch :wow:
The thing is I don't think the Chief Obi dude is a Houston Nigerian either.Apparently she's with chief obi and all them cats
She literally has a post showing her weight gain, using heavy weight gainers and an exercise regimen.
She's also lost quite a bit of weight since that point.
All this stuff is (or was) on her IG.
Either she's dropping millions as a upper-middle class Nigerian woman on some of the most impressive plastic surgery I've ever seen, or the way her body handles fat deposits is exceptional.
Chief obi is from the dmv that I know for a fact. And this chick came to the states I think around age 8? (Don't quote me on that) but I do know she stayed hidden because she had massive insecurity issues. Logic leads me to believe she did this whole fit thing as a means to get over that...The thing is I don't think the Chief Obi dude isn't a Houston Nigerian either.
A lot of these Nigerians are fobs or outta towners with long money that just stop by Houston, because it's the biggest hub of Nigerians in the USA.
Neither him or the girl In OP follow anybody from the Houston Nigerian community.