Nah, none of those countries would work. Especially Ethiopia.
And I doubt Mugabe wants to draw any more heat in his direction. Then again, he's harboring a real live former dictator that slaughtered thousands of people in Mengistu Haile Mariam so taking a woman that's been wrongfully accused shouldn't be beyond his moral compass. Most African countries are in the pocket of the West. Only place I can think of that's not as far is maybe Ecuador. They were going to give Snowden and Assange asylum before Uncle Sam cock-blocked so maybe they'd do the same for Assata. Of course, they too could also be
African countries are rather LARGE. That's IF they find out that she entered one of the countries. The thing about her in Cuba is that not only is Cuba a tiny ass country, but the USA government KNEW she went to Cuba and KNOWS that shes still there and KNOWS which city shes in. I me she for some reason let people take pictures of her there too, which makes things worse.
But if she escapes to an Africa country without anyone knowing(and change her name), I doubt the USA government or African government would find her that easily. Sure if they find that shes in an African country like the Democratic Republic of Congo, that's nice, but the DRC is a big ass country with poor infrastructure and a large rural area. She could not only blend in, but hide literally ANYWHERE. Just using the DRC as an example.
Also Frank Matthews whether people think he's dead or alive, he was smart with his escape without letting the USA government know where he's escaping to. We still don't know about his whereabouts. He could be dead, but fact is we don't KNOW where he escaped to. If she escapes Cuba, she has to not let anyone find out or its over.