Dumb thing to whine about.
Get in where you fit in. Period.
You people saying you believe in God/don't believe in God and would date someone the opposite of your belief sound strange.
This isn't a preference of food, a dislike for certain genres of film, or not liking to eat p*ssy. The belief or disbelief in God is a core principal that shapes and defines us all as a person whether we want to accept that or not. Anyone willing to date someone completely opposite of their views regarding God is more than likely having a serious identity crisis and can be convinced of crossing over to the stronger willed partner's side of thinking. Religiously or scientifically, connecting with your lover on that kind of spiritual/mental level is a beautiful thing - something not happening if we're on completely opposite sides of the fence. Yeah, I'll accept our extreme differering views if we're friends, associates, or even family members....but your SIGNIFICANT OTHER? Your wife? Husband? And then to scramble ya'll kids minds up on some kind of mental tug of war shyt? Yikes.
nikkas is lost. Thinking all there is to a relationship is watching Walking Dead together on Sundays and having slightly above average sex. And then nikkas wonder why they're incapable of maintaining serious relationships or considering marriage